FPÖ – Schmielechner/Hauser: “Where will healthy food come from in the future if our farms close?” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

“We stand on the side of the farming families and support their concerns!”

Vienna (OTS) “The world is looking at Germany, because the farmers there are currently fighting for the future – their own but also for the future of our food,” said the FPÖ agriculture spokesman NAbg. Peter Schmiedlechner. “And there’s a lot at stake. Halving the number of farm animals is demanded by the traffic lights and the climate fanatics. How is the population supposed to be fed? Where does the meat come from, from the laboratory? Is this surely the healthier alternative? How does this affect our bodies in the long term and how environmentally friendly is laboratory production? Or do you want to import everything from low-wage countries with low animal welfare and environmental standards?” said the FPÖ agricultural spokesman.

Schmiedlechner’s party colleague, National Council member Gerald Hauser, took the same line: “The WHO, which lobbies for globalists and which has attracted attention for its fact-contrary policies in the Corona crisis, is calling on governments to restrict agriculture and thus prevent climate change. Banning meat and dairy products should be the first step in this direction. In doing so, they deprive many hard-working farming families of their livelihoods. Above all, small-scale local agriculture, which is particularly close to my heart, is threatened.”

“I want to emphasize that our domestic production meets high environmental standards. The local, regional production method saves transport routes and is therefore a better alternative to cheap imports. Everyone knows it, but the black-green government and the traffic light government in Germany only meet international requirements ‘whatever the cost’. Both governments are not concerned about the people, nor about nature or agriculture, but rather they are only subordinate to the EU and the other global players,” added Schmielechner. Both liberal MPs are convinced that the course must currently be set in order to find out where food will come from in the future and how healthy it will be. “We stand on the side of the farming families and support their concerns,” emphasized Schmiedlechner and Hauser.

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