The case had made headlines worldwide. On August 28, 2022, Florian Apler will be found unconscious at the razor promenade of the Kitzbüheler Ache in St. Johann at around five in the morning. His then six -year -old son Leon was recovered dead from the water. After half a year of unsuccessful investigations, Florian Apler is arrested and charged with murder. It sits in custody for 17 months. On August 1, 2024, he will be acquitted unanimously.
With the 256 -page book, which he wrote together with the lawyer and writer Volker Schütz, Apler has spoken out for the first time since his acquittal. In detail, he describes his experiences, from family life with Leon to the prison stay to the stirring trial days – and criticizes the course of the investigation. In front of the journalists and journalists gave Appler examples that document the scandalous course of the investigation, which brought him “522 days behind grids, on the dock and almost into the grave”. The video clips that Leon showed as active, mobile and cheerful interacting boys surprised – the image of a child’s severely disabled was drawn in the process.
Florian Apler said about his motivation to write this book:
“My diary was my loyal companion and mental anchor in the cell. It accompanied me like a contemporary witness and will now enable my daughter to read things in my view in the form of this book. ”
Florian Apler summarized his three main messages, which he wants to spread through his book:
“My Schnuffi was an incredibly great little boy. As he and also my relationship with him in the course of my process and also by the media, has nothing to do with reality. I would like to get this picture back with my book. Second, the search for the perpetrator has to go on. We will pursue all the indications and not stop looking for the man who has done it all of this. And thirdly: Hopefully it will be possible to draw from my experiences. I hope that no one happens to anyone. “
Matthias Opis, Managing Director of Molden Verlag, concluded:
“There are diverse questionable events and assessments in the Leon case: in the criminal investigations, in the legal assessment, in court proceedings and also in medial accompaniment. It was important to us and a concern of giving the central person in this case, Florian Apler, the opportunity to comment on all of this without restriction and in detail. “
Co-author of the book Volker Schütz:
“Where work is done, errors happen. This is also the case within the judiciary. It is important that these errors are then corrected. In Florian’s case, false information from the public prosecutor’s office through the regional court up to up to the Supreme Court was continued without questioning. This is a scandal that has to be worked up now. “
The book
“The Leon case. 522 days innocent behind bars ”, Molden Verlag,
ISBN: 978-3-222-15151-4