“I am fully behind the Jewish community in Vienna,” ÖVP state party chairman Karl Mahrer clarifies after a meeting with the president of the Israelite cultural community of Vienna Oskar Deutsch. “For the security and well -being of the Jews in our city, Vienna and Austria have a special responsibility”.
Mahrer tells the burgeoning anti -Semitism the fight: “Whether of extremely right, extremely left or Muslim side: Anti -Semitism has no place with us. I understand the concern of President German in view of the current domestic situation. Therefore, a future federal government must lead the active fight against anti -Semitism and understand as a central concern! ”
Mahrer also confirms that the federal government must also contribute to the renovation of the city temple. “I would also like to take up and support the idea of an international Shoah center in Vienna. As a visible sign that “Never again!” Is lived and preserved by Austria! Vienna would not be conceivable in the past without Jewish life – and it is not today and in the future. The slightest doubt must not arise! ”In conclusion.
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