Wüstenrot looks at 100 years of company success

With an anniversary gala in the Center for Visions in Urstein near Puch/Salzburg, the Wüstenrot Group started on January 30, 2025 together with around 1100 employees in the anniversary year 2025. Numerous guests of honor have accepted the invitation, among them: Governor Dr. Wilfried Haslauer, who held the speech. The supervisory boards of the Wüstenrot Group, including Dr. Erwin Hampel, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Wohnrot Wohnungswirtschaft and Dr. Stephan Koren, chairman of the supervisory board of Bausparkasse, insurance and bank. Among the guests of honor were also FMA board member Mag. Helmut Ettl, the president of the banking association Robert Zadrazil and GDR. Gerald Resch, Secretary General of the Banking Association. ORF State Director Mag. Waltraud Langer, the editor -in -chief of the Salzburger Nachrichten Manfred Perterer, profit editor Dr. Georg Wailand. Marianne Hengl from the Rollon, Lizz Görgl and Joachim Puchner as a long -time partner of Wüstenrot.
Gregor Glanz, who presented a hit from every decade, provided the special musical framework.

Historical milestones of the Wüstenrot Group

Bausparen conquers Austria
The building savings, by Georg Kropp in the German town of Wüstenrot in response to the bitter housing shortage and poverty after the First World War, came to Austria in 1925. As early as 1926, the first home -financed home was built in Hallein near Salzburg.
On December 28, 1929, the building society of the Freunde of Friends Wüstenrot was founded as a non -profit cooperative.
After the Second World War, the full -time sales were built up and the age of digitization was heralded in the 1960s, so Wüstenrot is one of the first companies with remote processing in Austria.

Business model expansion Wüstenrot Versicherung
In 1976, the business model expansion around the Wüstenrot Versicherung was a crucial visionary step in a time as building savings. From now on, the product range also includes the provision and the protection of living space in addition to building savings and the financing of living space. 2001 is Wüstenrot in the course of the fusion with the Volksfürsorge-Jupiter insurance to become a universal insurer with attractive offers for car, house and home, legal protection and accident.

Foundation of Wüstenrot Bank and development as an all -finance service provider
With the founding of Wüstenrot Bank in the 2023 financial year, Wüstenrot is becoming the only all -finance service provider in Austria. With Bausparkasse, insurance and bank under one roof, Wüstenrot as a lifelong financial assistant positions itself for more than 1 million customers for the areas for the areas, saving, saving and providing them. Around 1,500 employees strive for exceptional customer experiences every day, whereby they are personally or digitally accessible, depending on the customer’s request.

Customer proximity, sustainability, innovative ability as a success basis

Dr. In his speech, Stephan Koren, chairman of the supervisory board of the Wüstenrot Group, praised the services of the employees who have developed the organization with great commitment and many creative ideas in the past 100 years.

Stephan Koren paid special thanks to the long -time general director Dr. Herbert Walterskirchen: “Dr. Herbert Walterskirchen has significantly shaped Wüstenrot’s success course for 60 years. The construction of the full -time sales is carried out by his handwriting, the pioneering work in the context of digitization would not have been possible without its foresight, as well as the establishment of the Wüstenrot Versicherung, was booming at a time as building savings. ”
Dr. Stephan Koren also said “The Wüstenrot Group has developed into the only all -finance service provider in Austria in the past 100 years with Bausparkasse, Versicherung and Bank under one roof. The organization owes the foresight of its general director Dr. Susanne Riess-Hahn, who has been at the top of the group for over 20 years. With it as the chairman, the group has tripled itself, doubles the loan volume, the insurance is looking at continuous growth, especially in the area of ​​damage/accident and equity, ”said the chairman of the supervisory board. “On this basis, we can look into the future very confidently, whose requirements are becoming increasingly complex. It is all the more important to maintain the high degree of innovative ability and innovative strength and to continue to maintain the special customer proximity as the highest good according to the anniversary motto. ”

General Director Dr. In her speech, Susanne Riess-Hahn pointed out that Wüstenrot has achieved a success with his 100th anniversary that only around 1 percent of all companies worldwide. “We succeeded because we are always very close to our customers with our business model and always think and develop our offer from a customer perspective. It is always about essential basic needs that we take care of: living, financing, saving, insuring and providing. And we are there for our customers even when things are not going according to plan, support with special offers, such as in the recent flood aid package. Our customers trust us and distinguish us as part of the independent APA/OGM trust index with top marks, ”said General Director Dr. Susanne Riess-Hahn.

Wüstenrot is a strong and reliable financial partner

“The Wüstenrot Group is set up as best as possible so that profitable growth will continue to be possible in the future. With a very solid own average equipment of almost 30 % in the group, a healthy balance with a low NPL quota of 1 % over the years and excellent liquidity equipment, it is ensured that the Wüstenrot Group continues for its significantly more than 1 million customers is available as a strong and reliable financial partner, ”said General Director Riess-Hahn.

Governor Dr. Wilfried Haslauer appreciates Wüstenrot

“A century of desert red is an impressive testimony to durability and innovation in the financial service sector, for which I congratulate you warmly. The foundation of Wüstenrot in 1925 marked the start for building -up thoughts in Austria and at the same time establishing establishment as an indispensable service provider, employer and value creation. With its headquarters in Salzburg, Wüstenrot is a reliable partner and sponsor of numerous institutions in sports, social and culture. This corporate culture is the result of farsighted decisions and strong leadership. I wish Wüstenrot a lot of passion and innovative strength in the next 100 years. ”

Wüstenrot says thank you and doubles the building society premium

As a special thank you to the customers, Wüstenrot doubles the legally required building society premium for this period when concluding a flexible building savings contract or a flexible youth building savings contract.
All details can be found in our homepage www.wuestenrot.at

Highlights of the jubilee gala

The highlight of the anniversary gala was the employee honors and the awarding of the desert red social award.
Furthermore, the family who built the 1000 post -war house in Vienna in 1950 with a desert red financing and to this day was inhabited with a fully saved building society contract for maintenance measures.

The musical performances by the well -known artist Gregor Glanz, who created a great atmosphere with the greatest hits from the respective decades, provided great enthusiasm.

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