The Noah seeds’ Festival ark opens the garden year 2025

Arche Noah is once again organizing the traditional seed festival in Vienna in time for the beginning of the 2025 garden year. The “Campus Längenfeld” turns into a colorful market for rare and valuable seeds, tubers or noble rice. Also here are a variety of knowledge and valuable tips for sowing and plant care – for enjoyment from the bed fresh to your own table.“With our seed festival, we all invite you to discover the wealth of the variety of crops and to create a hand from sowing to harvest”says Volker Plass, Managing Director of Noah.

Arche Noah Saatgut Festival
Saturday, February 22, 2025, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Längenfeld Campus (VHS Meidling), Längenfeldgasse 13-15, 1120 Vienna

Varieties that are hardly available in retail are offered: seed -resistant diversity from the Noah archive ark, by small organic farms or from a private hand, also invited to the free exchange of seeds. Visitors: Inside can be found on over 20 providers: inside on 500 m² Looking for: The Waldviertel Bio-Hof Loidolt comes with 100 (!) Sorts of potatoes. Sampling, variety workshop or sowing offer beans, fennel, cucumbers, melons, okra, pepperoni, beets, countless salads, tomatoes and onions. From Upper Austria, “wild flowers” ​​brings seed mixtures for flower meadow, gravel lawn or seepage. Seed from the “Ybbser Herbgarten” comes from fields of fields to lemon balm.

“Precisions from the Noah Seda Archive Arche”

A special offer is the “treasures from the Noah Seda Archive Arche”: old varieties, “land varieties” and curiosities, created by rural-gardening selection over generations. Historical crops that have long since disappeared from our gardens, such as peasant tobacco or turnip. The trout salad is also noticeable, one of the oldest varieties in the archive. He has been mentioned since 1869, recently he is only cultivated in a few Weinviertel gardens – finally he is available this year at the seed festival. A special piece is also the “Schmerkürbis” or “asparagus pumpkin”: Before the zucchini in Austria could gain a foothold in the 1970s, this type from the Delfs nursery in Bruck an der Leitha was a popular summer pump. The seeds for the “treasures” are won in the Noah’s ark and the gardens are obtained and the offer changes every year.

Of course, Arche Noah is also on site. Sowing, books and tools are sold on several tables. All day, there are exciting short lectures to cultivate vegetables from seeds, for the increase in garlic, shallot, eternal cabbage and other vegetative vegetable types, to fruit and berries, organic balcony or “everything around the peas”. At 4:15 p.m., Arche Noah accompanied Noah Managing Director Volker Plass as part of a virtual tour of the show garden and through the association’s sociopolitical concerns.

Fruit tree finishes are also offered again this year: Edelreiser of the favorite apple variety are refined by Arche Noah Expert: Inside on medium-strong documents, on different types from the Noah Schaugarten ark. Reiser can also be brought from their own apple trees (costs: 24 ꞓ per tree and 3 ꞓ per noble rice)

The Noah educational program for 2025 is online

For those who want to know exactly, the diverse ark Noah educational offers are online: intensive, compact and practical. The participants: Inside are accompanied step by step through the garden year, e.g. B. with the “Biogarten practice course” or the “online course Bio-Balkongärnern”.

To the 2025 Saatgut Festival:

To the noah educational calendar ark:

Arche Noah Saatgut Festival

Datum: 02/22/2025, 10:00 a.m. – 22.02.2025, 5:00 p.m.

Art: General appointments

Ort: Längenfeld Campus (VHS Meidling), Längenfeldgasse 13–15, 1120 Vienna


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