VfGH on fully slatted floors: Profit must not take precedence over the welfare of the animals!

Initiators of the popular animal protection initiative: “We are now taking up the fight again”, the Constitutional Court finds a groundbreaking ruling on animal welfare in Austria

Vienna (OTS) In its ruling published today, the Constitutional Court clearly states that the amendment to the Federal Animal Protection Act does not comply with the constitution. The transition period until the end of fully slatted floors in Austrian stables is set at 17 years, which is far too long – and it is also not justified that the protection of the investment takes precedence over animal welfare.

For Sebastian Bohrn Mena, initiator of the animal protection popular initiative and spokesman for the successor initiative oekoreicha groundbreaking judgment has been made: Profit must not take precedence over the welfare of the animals. The Constitutional Court has now also recorded this, opening the next round in the fight for an early end to fully slatted floors. We’ll resume the fight now!

“Guardians of the referendum” are seeking discussions with all actors

Over 416,000 people signed the animal protection referendum in January 2021, making it the most successful referendum in years. A central demand was the ban on fully slatted floors. This must now be implemented quickly and the initiative oekoreich, as guardian of the referendum, will now resume its activities in this regard. The goal is to ban it as soon as possible:

We stand side by side with the small farmers in our country, but we demand an end to this cruel treatment of animals. The legislature is required to create the necessary framework conditions so that this can be implemented. The people want it, the constitution demands it – stop the resistance!“ says Sebastian Bohrn Mena, who will now once again seek discussions with all actors.

Questions & Contact:

Initiative oekoreich, +436607038864, initiative@oekoreich.com

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