In the profile podcast “Business-Class”, the students of the BHAK Vienna invite 10 personalities from domestic business life, and ask them questions that they really interest. What does it mean for the economy when Herbert Kickl becomes Chancellor? What do you earn as a social media star and is it true that you are also exploited by agencies? How do I make money instead of real debt?
“The students selected both the topics and the interview guests themselves. And we accompany you in the editorial implementation, ”says project manager and profile management department head Marina Delcheva. The six -part podcast is recorded in the classrooms of BHAK Vienna 10 in Vienna Favorites. In the coming weeks, people such as startup investor Florian Gschwandtner, AMS boss Petra Draxl, social media star “Sonnenschein Catering” aka Paul Grohmann or Siemens boss Patricia Neumann will be guests. “We as BHAK Vienna 10 participated in this project because it offers our students the unique opportunity to get to know and interview well-known personalities from the economy,” says Osman Buzadžić, teacher at BHAK Vienna 10 and co-project manager of the profile -Podcasts. “Such projects are important to us as a school, since they also convey additional skills to the pupils in addition to the regular content from the lessons that they prepare for life and their professional future.”
“It is not true that young people are no longer interested in classic media. They only consume them differently and we journalists do not always meet their interests and worries. So at Profile we decided to have the young people do a podcast themselves, ”says Delcheva. “Financial education is one of the burning topics of our time – sounds bland, but is super -exciting. This is also shown by this podcast project that asked burning questions to business bosses, ”says profile editor-in-chief Anna Thalhammer.
BHAK Vienna 10 is one of the largest trading academies in Austria and a large part of the students speaks a second or third language at home in addition to German. On the one hand, there is already a lot of economic interest and knowledge in this school, on the other hand, many false information and semi -knowledge about finance and economy are circulating on the social media. From this point of view, the “business class” also fulfills an educational mandate here. In addition, profile awards two editorial internships to the participants in the “business class”.
From Thursday, January 30th, a new episode of the “Business-Class” appears weekly on and in all channels in which there are podcasts. The project was funded by the Vienna Business Agency, a fund of the city of Vienna, and is realized in editorial independence.
Standing on the left: Marina Delcheva
Sitting on the right: Osman Buzadžić
Copyright: Alexandra Unger/Profile
Profile Redaktion GmbH
Management of the economy Marina Delcheva
Telephone: +43 664 60700 22 519
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