In Austria there is still a lack of IT specialists and qualified specialists for vacancies are still missing. The BRZ therefore actively promotes the youngsters in the future industry IT. We are looking for a total of five apprentices for apprenticeships, IT system technology, purchasing and media specialist. Applications are now via the BRZ job portal possible.
The apprentices receive comprehensive professional training, get to know different business areas and can take off the professional grade. A shortened apprenticeship and an internship abroad are also possible.
“In the past five years, 42 apprentices have been trained or have been trained in the BRZ, including ten girls. With the apprenticeship training, we make a contribution to enable young people to provide well-founded training in future-oriented and highly requested professions and thus counteract the IT personnel shortage “
according to Daniela Mühlberger-Spicker, head of Human Resources in the BRZ.
International exchange of apprenticeships
An international apprenticeship exchange takes place regularly in the BRZ. Apprentices can gain important experiences in a new environment, get to know other countries, people and cultures and acquire new working methods and techniques. The BRZ has been participating in this Erasmus initiative since 2017.
In 2024, Sebastian from Norway supported the BRZ for several months as an IT apprentice. Sebastian was the third apprentice from Norway, who works on the Erasmus program in the BRZ. Former BRZ apprentices have also completed an internship abroad: Johanna and Sebastian worked in Belfast, Vanessa in Valencia, Richard in Glasgow and Nicole in Oslo. In 2025 there will be the opportunity to do internships abroad again: Sophie, media specialist in training, will spend a few weeks as an apprentice in Bilbao.
Excellent job opportunities
The activities in system technology are diverse: set up networks, configure computers and peripheral devices, implement safety measures and much more. The job description offers excellent job opportunities in the future, for example in the BRZ itself, which develops and operates numerous IT applications for customers in the public sector and supplies customers in the public sector with IT hardware and support. For its apprenticeship training, the BRZ repeatedly receives awards or recognition certificates (e.g. Amazon, State Prize “Fit for Future”).
The BRZ as a top apprentice company
A total of 19 apprentices, including four women, are currently completing their training in the BRZ. In the past five years, 42 apprentices have been trained or have been trained in the BRZ, including ten girls.
Current BRZ apprentices:
- 5 apprentices in the teaching profession Application Development Coding
- 11 apprentices in the IT system technology apprenticeship
- 2 apprentices in the apprenticeship office clerk
- 1 apprentice in the apprenticeship media specialist
It was not until September 2024 that two apprentices who were able to successfully complete their training as an application developer code in the BRZ were taken into account.
YouTube playlist “Teaching in the BRZ”
The BRZ shows the everyday life of apprentices on its YouTube channel and exciting information on various apprenticeships. Many apprentices have their say and report on their training period in the BRZ. The playlist can be found here on YouTube: