Progress report: Plastic reduction at Lidl Austria

Lidl Austria wants to further reduce the use of plastic. Some of the national targets for 2025 have already been almost met, and some have even been exceeded.

Packaging is important. They protect food during transport and ensure that it stays fresher for longer. It is equally important to use them in a resource-saving manner. The Schwarz Group companies have been working for years as part of the international plastics strategy “RESet Plastic” to gradually reduce the use of plastic – with ambitious, group-wide goals.
Last year, Lidl Austria transparently communicated its progress and reduction targets by 2025 and set even more ambitious national goals.

“We are on the right track and have made some important progress again. In some cases we have already achieved our goals, in others we are close,” says Michael Kunz, CEO of Lidl Austria.

The aim is to reduce the use of plastic in own-brand packaging and transport aids by at least 30% across all sectors by 2025. This goal has already been exceeded in Austria. Here the share is already 35%, compared to 32% in the previous year.

Another goal is to use an average of 25% recyclate in own-brand packaging by 2025. An average of 22% recyclate is currently being used. The proportion of PET bottle bodies from Lidl’s own brands is already almost 80%, and for the mineral water own brand “Saskia” it is even 100%. Each bottle body is made entirely from old bottles and is particularly resource-efficient due to its low weight. In addition, Lidl Austria has already made 55% of its own brand packaging maximally recyclable. The quota should be 100% by 2025.

Another important point is the reduction of so-called “virgin plastic”, i.e. completely new plastic that does not contain any recyclate. Lidl Austria has already been able to reduce its share by 46%. We want to increase this proportion to at least 50% by 2025, even though recycled plastic is still significantly more expensive than new plastic made from fossil raw materials.

Some goals have already been almost or completely achieved

By 2025, we want to offer half of our fruit and vegetable items loose or in plastic-free packaging. As of today, this goal has almost been achieved. In 2022 the proportion was still 38%, but now 46% of the items are packaged loosely or in plastic-free packaging.

The number of plastic packaging in the private label sector has also fallen sharply. The planned reduction of 35% by 2025 has already been achieved.

“The issue of plastic affects us all – because the fact is: we produce too much plastic waste worldwide and recycle far too little. That’s why the companies in the Schwarz Group continually work together to achieve the REset Plastic goals. Because every contribution contributes to the bigger picture – in keeping with our group-wide vision of “Less plastic – closed cycles,” says Michael Kunz, CEO of Lidl Austria.

One-way deposit on the home stretch

Lidl Austria was the first food retailer in Austria to publicly demand a deposit on plastic bottles – from 2025 there will be a mandatory deposit on plastic and aluminum disposable beverage packaging in Austria.

So far, Lidl has already equipped around 200 locations in Austria with deposit machines. There has been a reusable offer in these branches since the end of November 2023, which can then be returned there. “We are particularly proud of our donation function on our deposit machines: customers can not only return empties, but also donate them to Pro Juventute or the Red Cross easily and unbureaucratically at the touch of a button.

From January 1st, 2025, machines will be available in all of our branches, including those for taking back one-way deposits.”

Here is a summary of the national plastic reduction goals by 2025:

  • 35% less plastic in own-brand packaging and transport aids in relation to sales (g/Ꞓ) (base year 2017). Stand 2023: 35% (not adjusted for inflation)
  • Absolute plastic reduction in tonnes by 35% (BJ 2018). Stand 2023: 31 %
  • Plastic reduction g/piece -30% (BJ 2018). Stand 2023: -29 %
  • Reduction in the use of virgin plastic in own-brand packaging by 50% (BJ 2018). Stand 2023: 46 %
  • 100% of our own brand packaging is maximally recyclable. Stand 2023: 55%
  • An average of 25% recycled material in private label plastic packaging. Stand 2023: 22 %
  • Proportion of loose or plastic-free packaged fruit and vegetables at least 50%. Stand 2023: 46 %

This press release is intended for distribution in Austria.

Bild: The Schwarz Group companies continuously work together to achieve their REset Plastic goals. Lidl Austria has set itself ambitious national goals by 2025. Part of this has already been achieved.
(Reprinted free of charge for press purposes, photo credit: Branislav Rohal)

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