She could be your NEIGHBOR. StoP violence against women.

The Union “StoP districts without partner violence” in Austria wants to wake people up and move people to do something about male violence against women. Because the suffering of many women and their children is unbearably great!

Women are mistreated for days, even years, seriously injured, they are beaten to the point of hospitalization, they are strangled, they are raped, they are beaten to death by their husbands, they are stabbed, they are shot. Women are humiliated, tortured and killed in front of their children. This year alone there were 22 femicides and 36 attempted murders, but many people listen and look the other way. This all happens in Austria!

The StoP association wants to encourage fellow citizens to do something before another femicide happens. Only together can we change the deep-seated patriarchal climate and bring about a fundamental rethink.

Von October 10 to December 27, 2024 Banners will be seen and read on ASFINAG motorway bridges in Salzburg and Upper Austria with the inscription: She could be your neighbor. StoP violence against women.

The awareness campaign started in September Freecards started: Never like femicide. She could be your neighbor, daughter, mother, sister or work colleague be. 80,000 cards are available for free collection in restaurants across Austria.

It was the end of September mobiles Billboard with the inscription: No more femicides in Austria traveling for two days in Salzburg city to draw attention to the StoP start in Salzburg Itzling.

Anyone who wants to know what you can do and how you can learn and exercise moral courage against partner violence is warmly invited to join StoP webinars to participate. See: The association “StoP – Districts without Partner Violence” is freely financed.

StoP is a neighborhood project with a low-threshold and outreach approach to primary prevention. StoP is a novelty; it combines victim protection work with civil society. StoP starts early, not just when violence occurs, and encourages the neighborhood to “show moral courage against partner violence”. StoP raises awareness, informs and helps to recognize and interrupt domestic violence early. For more information see below

The StoP© concept

The StoP association is based on the copyrighted concept of Professor Dr. Sabine Stövesand at the HAW Hamburg – Faculty of Economics and Social Affairs, Department of Social Work. Once StoP training has been completed, StoP can be implemented. Nobody has a monopoly on StoP.

No more femicides in Austria – What can I do to prevent violence against women?

October 23, 2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.: No more femicides in Austria – What can I do to prevent violence against women? Register at:

Datum: October 23rd, 2024, 2:00 p.m. – October 23rd, 2024, 4:30 p.m

Art: Lectures and discussions



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