mumok: Ludwig goes digital! – Collection research as a citizen science project

In the project Ludwig goes digital! mumok’s goal of a sustainable educational strategy is combined with participatory collection research. On the occasion of the publication of the publication Ludwig goes digital!which was developed to accompany the participatory collection project of the same name, will take place on October 7th from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Symposium where topics such as digital collecting practices, digital humanism, crowdsourcing modules as well as AI and culture are discussed.

The development of the idea
Since 2023, mumok has been focusing primarily on participatory collection research. As part of the project funded by the Peter and Irene Ludwig Foundation Ludwig goes digital! The mumok collection and education team, together with the young participants in the Creative Learning Coding courses based on the principles of citizen science, deal with museum collection practices and documentation as well as basic museological research.
Not only are previous practices questioned and existing structures critically reflected, knowledge is also generated through active collaboration. The professional cooperation with the young citizen scientists enables a multi-perspective analysis of the works in the mumok collection, which would not be possible by simply remaining within the scientific community. “For several years now, mumok has played a pioneering role internationally, particularly in hybrid teaching as an extracurricular educational venue. My team and I see diversity-conscious and inclusive art education in different forms for all age groups as a contemporary and necessary extension of our work and as an opportunity to enter into dialogue with new target groups. I am all the more pleased that we are able to carry out this innovative project with the help of the Peter and Irene Ludwig Foundation Ludwig goes digital! were able to realize, which initiated new paths of collection research“, says mumok General Director Karola Kraus.

AI and culture
When dealing with the works in the collection, various forms of AI, their meaning in the cultural context and the programming behind them also play an important role. The aim is not just coding in the cultural field, but the associated communication and discussion of ethical concerns, technical backgrounds, philosophical considerations and social reactions to machine learning, artificial neural networks and chatbots. By translating aspects of specific collection works into individual code applications, participants are encouraged to find new perspectives and ways to express their ideas and reflect on the limits of the digital.

The goals of the project are to create an exploratory digital offering to communicate the Ludwig Collection, which translates complex scientific topics and artistic strategies into an intuitive data visualization. “Getting to know art through programming – from our point of view, this is a great way for young people to get to know the Ludwig Collection. The combination of digital technologies and scientific content of the Ludwig goes digital project! In my opinion, this is a convincing approach to getting young people interested in art. And it offers museums, research and teaching a wide range of opportunities to perceive the works of art in the Ludwig Collection in all their complexity and will hopefully inspire other institutions to adopt new approaches to communicating their own collections. “, emphasizes Carla Cugini, Managing Director of the Peter and Irene Ludwig Foundation.
According to the motto “Who speaks to whom?” “Who imparts what knowledge?” strategies of museum collecting and knowledge transfer are made transparent.
The discussion about art should be anchored in the reality of young people’s lives in order to bring them closer to museum processes and to actively help shape them. Relevant to this was the development of a crowdsourcing module, which was developed in a co-creation process with the developers from Semantics and tailored to the needs of children and young people. This makes it possible to formulate research questions, develop and contextualize content together with the course participants. The concepts developed in this way are incorporated into the mumok collection documentation. In a further step, visualizations of the collection holdings are developed using the data and information collected.

The symposium is aimed at museum professionals, humanities and cultural scientists, art historians, digital humanities researchers, students, those interested in technology and everyone who wants to help shape the museum of the future.

Registration via the mumok website or

Project info:

Project partners:
Walter Nagel and Irene Ludwig Foundation:

Ludwig goes digital! – Collection research as a citizen science project

Datum: October 7th, 2024, 9:00 a.m. – October 7th, 2024, 6:00 p.m

Art: Conferences and meetings

Ort: mummies

Museumsplatz 1 1070

1140 Wien


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