Social issues, ecology, democracy: COMÚN Foundation sets priorities for 2024

Non-profit federal foundation appoints new advisory board and office management, new thematic focus on protecting and promoting democracy

Vienna (OTS) On January 1st, 2024, the COMÚN Foundation will start its third year of work. Before that, it took further steps towards professionalization, renewed its staff as planned and fixed the focus of its work for 2024. At the beginning of the year, Rebecca Bachinger will also take over the office management of COMÚN. After years in the Austrian Trade Union Confederation, she most recently worked as an equal opportunities officer at a university.

I am very pleased to be able to bring Rebecca Bachinger, a colleague from the trade union whom I greatly admire, into the foundation’s management team. She not only brings a lot of organizational expertise, but also shares our perspectives. In her new role as office manager, she will drive forward the further development of the foundation and external networking with us“ said COMÚN chairwoman Veronika Bohrn Mena.

Citizen Foundation model: 12 people volunteer on advisory boards

The Foundation Advisory Board, the central advisory body, will be replaced in terms of personnel as planned; 5 people will be members of it in the 2024 & 2025 term of office. Magdalena Baran-Szoltys and Andrea Czak, already there in 2022 & 2023, were reappointed as members for a two-year period. New additions include political scientist Natascha Strobl, Ukrainian activist Anna Pattermann and environmental expert Matthias Schickhofer.

In accordance with the “citizen foundation” model, in which citizens decide what foundation funds are used for, specialist advisory boards have been appointed for the coming working year. In 2024, political scientist Lisa Sinowatz, podcaster Beatrice Frasl, Ask the state Chief Arne Semsrott, student representative Smilla Buschbom, university professor Barbara Prainsack, Lower Austria Concentration Camp Association chairwoman Birgit Hebein and author Julya Rabinowich.

We are pleased about the new advisory board members and would like to thank everyone who contributed to the foundation in 2022 and 2023. Together we were able to put COMÚN on a solid footing within a short period of time and set up a broad portfolio of activities. The new advisory board members bring a lot of expertise and experience with them on the foundation’s future priorities.”said COMÚN board members Veronika & Sebastian Bohrn Mena.

Program focus: social issues, ecology, democracy

The foundation has set three programmatic priorities for the 2024 working year. In the “social” area, the solidarity fund forms the core. This was able to support hundreds of families in 2022 and 2023, and it should be available again for quick help in 2024. In addition, activities on supply chains and corporate due diligence will be continued, as well as initiatives to protect and promote women.

In the area of ​​“Ecology” there are three rounds of the successful event series “Austrian consumer dialogues“The raising of awareness and transfer of knowledge is at the center. This also includes the expansion of the foundation medium oekoreich.comthe continuation of the “Vivienne” prize for ecological textiles and the “Hochmoor Schrems support group“, as well as forest and moorland activities.

A third focus is emerging in the area of ​​“Democracy”. The core of this is, among other things, the expansion of cooperation with the Ukrainian community, and the recently established “counter-legal protection” fund will also begin its work. In addition, there is cross-border cooperation in the area of ​​anti-fascism and right-wing extremism and the renewed awarding of scholarships for journalistic research.

Securing independence, building a counterbalance

A central self-image of the COMÚN Foundation is its absolute independence from all political parties, interest groups and corporations. The long-term financial security of the foundation is an important task in 2024. To this end, the model with the three pillars of donation-funding cooperation should be further expanded.

In the first two years of work, we have built a strong foundation for the foundation despite the state of emergency and crises. Now we can broaden thematically and dedicate ourselves to the currently increasingly important topic of preserving our democracy. We are in multiple crises and are heading towards even more stormy times. We need an independent capital base and a place for like-minded people to help create a counterweight together. COMÚN takes this responsibility seriously“ said Veronika and Sebastian Bohrn Mena in conclusion.

More information can be found at

Questions & Contact:

COMÚN Foundation, board of, +436607038864

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