Star tenor Michael Schade appeals to everyone’s responsibility to uphold human dignity

September 20, 2024 – At the annual fundraiser of the Maltese Order House yesterday, opera tenor Michael Schade showed respect for everyone who works in the nursing profession. The Malteser nursing home in Vienna, which has 72 care places, shows what living human dignity means. He also found clear words about the responsibility of civil society. There needs to be a new form of appreciation for people in the late autumn of their lives. Because, says Michael Schade, how old people are treated is a question of the future viability of a civilization.

Having just returned from Canada and Hamburg, the international star tenor Michael Schade thrilled supporters of the Maltese religious house at the charity garden cocktail on September 19, 2024 with a musical performance, but also with clear statements. It must be continually made clear that culture does not consist of what is offered on large stages. It is expressed primarily in how we treat each other. “Especially in old age, human dignity is a measure of how cultured a society is due to the need for inpatient care,” says Schade. He added that responsibility for this does not only lie with the great people in the nursing profession. In nursing facilities like this Maltese religious housethey impressively demonstrate what charity means to be practiced every day. “But protecting human dignity is a task for each of us!” Schade stated clearly.

The support of donors in particular shows that there is an awareness of solidarity in many places. However, this must also cover society as a whole in order to successfully meet the challenges in the care sector – from the shortage of nursing staff to the assumption of voluntary work in the care sector.

The charity garden cocktail was also accompanied by Sophie Hahn, violinist of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, and the well-known British singer Carl Avory. The President of the Maltese Ordenshaus Association, Mag. Erasmus Pachta-Reyhofen, thanked everyone who, through their support, makes the Maltese Ordenshaus a special care facility: “Our thanks go to everyone who carries out work of charity here every day and to everyone who with their time and their financial resources support our nursing home.”

The Grand Prior of the Sovereign Knights of Malta, Fra’ Gottfried Kühnelt-Leddihn, pointed out that the order emerged from a residential care facility that was built in Jerusalem around 1048 and where sick pilgrims were treated regardless of their origin and religion were maintained to the highest standards of the time. “The Maltese religious house is therefore the most modern expression of our origins,” says Kühnelt-Leddihn.

Managing director Mag. Thomas Kissich noted that events like this place the efforts for human dignity in old age in a context of society as a whole. A society can only remain viable through solidarity and cohesion. Kissich summarized: “We are allowed to come into our residents’ homes every day to help them wherever they need support. On their behalf, and on behalf of the entire team, I would like to thank you for your support of this special Order of Malta care facility.”

About the Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta

The Sovereign Knights and Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and Malta, which was founded in Jerusalem around 1048, is a subject of international law and a Catholic religious lay order. The mission of the order is to bear witness to the faith and to serve the poor and sick. Today the Order of Malta is active primarily in the areas of social, medical and humanitarian aid in over 120 countries. 95,000 volunteers work together with the 13,500 members – including more than 52,000 doctors, nurses, qualified nursing staff and paramedical support staff. The Order operates hospitals, medical centers, outpatient clinics, facilities for the elderly and people with disabilities, hospices and voluntary organizations. Malteser International, the global relief organization of the Order of Malta, is always at the forefront of natural disasters and alleviating the consequences of armed conflicts. The Order of Malta is neutral, impartial and non-political. It maintains bilateral diplomatic relations with 113 states, official relations with six other states and ambassadorial-level relations with the European Union. He is a permanent observer to the United Nations and its specialized agencies and has representations to the most important international organizations. Since 1834, the seat of government of the Sovereign Knights of Malta has been in Rome, where its extraterritorial status is guaranteed.


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