Photo/Video: Preparation for one-way deposits at SPAR completed in time for 2025
Salzburg (OTS) –

The new one-way deposit on plastic beverage bottles and beverage cans will start in Austria from January 1st, 2025. This means that an additional 25 cent deposit will be charged when purchasing drinks and paid out again when returned. The majority of the 2.4 billion beverage containers sold each year are sold and taken back by retailers, so retailers play a key role in the successful introduction of the deposit system. SPAR is preparing intensively for the deposit system. Necessary adjustments include the programming of the cash register system, the conversion of 1,500 locations, the adaptation of all reverse vending machines, the redesign of around 150 own-brand beverage items and the training of all store employees. The preparations will be completed in time – also thanks to the very good work of the Austrian disposable deposit company EWP.

SPAR simulated future processes for employees and the media at an early stage and broke them down into picture-perfect steps. This means customers can find out now what they need to pay attention to in the future.

  1. Pfandlogo: Pay attention to the legal deposit logo when purchasing and returning. A deposit must only be paid for containers with this logo and the deposit can be paid out upon return.
  2. 2025 with and without deposit: So that no finished products have to be thrown away, drinks can still be sold without a deposit until the end of 2025. Drinks with and without a deposit logo can be available in stores throughout 2025. Containers with a deposit logo belong in the deposit machines, plastic bottles and cans without a logo in the yellow bag.
  3. do not damage: Empty cans and bottles as completely as possible, do not crush them and do not tear off labels. This is the only way machines can take back the containers.
  4. No machine, no problem either: At fewer than 100 very small SPAR locations there will be no machine and returns will be done manually at the checkout.

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