W24 city barometer: 78% of Viennese are satisfied with public transport |  W24

Vienna (OTS) The city television W24 carried out the current W24 city barometer together with the IFDD – Institute for Demoscopy and Data Analysis under the leadership of Christoph Haselmayer.

The W24 Christmas city barometer shows: The Viennese’s favorite Christmas drink is tea (28%), and they would prefer to have cookies (70%) outside when it is snowing (48%). A clear majority is quite satisfied with public transport during the stressful Christmas period (78%). Alcohol can be avoided on New Year’s Eve, say (70%), and 58% would like to see greater executive control over pyrotechnics at the turn of the year.

What is your favorite winter drink?
Hot chocolate 14%, mulled wine 15%, mulled cider 4%, punch 19%, tea 28%, coffee 18%, don’t know no information 2%

Which sweets do you particularly enjoy in December?
Cookies 70%, chocolate figures 18%, Stollen 14%, gingerbread 39%, dominoes 9%, marzipan 18%, roasted almonds or nuts 30%, cakes or tarts 20%, I don’t eat sweets 8%, don’t know, no answer 2%

What is your favorite winter weather?
Snow 48%, sunny but cold days 24%, mild temperatures without snow 26%, foggy or rainy weather 1%, don’t know, no answer 1%

How do you usually plan your New Year’s Eve?
Celebrations at home in a small circle with family 48%, attending a public event (New Year’s Eve trail, City of Vienna event, etc.) 7%, bar or club 2%, private celebrations with friends 23%, alone at home 13%, abroad 3%, don’t know, no answer 4%

Do you think alcohol is essential for a successful New Year’s Eve?
Yes 26%, No 70%, don’t know, no answer 4%

This year there will once again be a ban on New Year’s Eve bangers and fireworks in Vienna on New Year’s Eve. Do you support this?
Yes, very much 62%, Yes, basically 19%, Rather less 10%, No, not at all 8%, don’t know, no answer 1%

Should the executive branch monitor compliance with the ban on pyrotechnics/fireworks on New Year’s Eve even more closely?
Yes, very much 58%, Yes, basically 22%, Rather less 8%, No, not at all 7%, don’t know, no answer 5%

Will you be attending a public event in Vienna on New Year’s Eve this year – such as the New Year’s Eve Trail or another outdoor event/party?
Yes, definitely 4%, Yes, probably 10%, Probably not 27%, No, definitely not 58%, Don’t know No answer 1%

How satisfied are you with public transport in Vienna?
Very satisfied 34%, somewhat satisfied 44%, somewhat dissatisfied 12%; very dissatisfied 8%, don’t know, no answer 2%

Are you planning a visit to the Vienna Ice Dream?
Yes 22%, No 71%, don’t know, no answer 7%

Are you saving energy this winter, for example on heating or Christmas lights?
Yes, definitely 30%, Yes a bit 42%, Probably not 19%, No, definitely not 8%, don’t know, no answer 1%

Client: W24 – Das Stadt Fernsehen, 1010 Vienna
Target group: Viennese representatives entitled to vote. from 16 years of age Sample size: n= 1026 Sampling method: pre-stratified random method, CAWI Sampling basis: selection of respondents using quota method
Evaluation: Factor weighting according to media analysis and Statistics Austria Coordinated Employment Statistics 2022; possible deviations in absolute numbers and percentage values ​​due to rounding differences (99 – 101 percent)
Weighting procedure: according to gender, age, education, employment, household size, children in the household, voting behavior NRW 2019, GRW 2020
Quota plan: by gender, age, education, employment, federal state, household size, children in the household
Maximum fluctuation range: Examination period: Executing institute:
+/- 3.1%, of which n=862 declared +/- 3.3% December 14, 2023 – December 19, 2023
IFDD – Institute for Demoscopy & Data Analysis, Feldgasse 21, 3422 Hadersfeld

About W24 – I’m there!
Like no other broadcaster, W24 deals intensively with current issues affecting the city and its residents. With more than 1.6 million contacts per month and up to 95,000 viewers per day, W24 is the most watched city broadcaster in Austria. W24 is on the Magenta cable network, online as a mobile live stream at www.w24.at as well as in the cable network from Kabelplus and A1 TV and via DVB-T2 (MUX C – Vienna) on SimpliTV. The station is owned by WH Media. WH Media GmbH is a 100 percent subsidiary of Wien Holding, bundles the group’s media companies and takes care of the strategic further development of this mainstay.

Questions & Contact:

W24 – I’m there!
Mag. Daria Auspitz
+43 676 42 41 422

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