FPÖ – Hafenecker: “Next security failure involving Islamist terrorists – Karner and Zadic must resign immediately!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club
Vienna (OTS) –

“The fact that this Islamist terrorist was able to take action at all is due to the total failure of the DSN and the judiciary, for which ÖVP Interior Minister Karner and the Green Justice Minister Zadic bear full responsibility – both of them should resign this very second!”, demanded FPÖ- Secretary General NAbg. Christian Hafenecker, MA clear consequences after, according to media reports, the Islamist assassin with Bosnian roots from Salzburg, who shot at police officers near the Israeli Consulate General in Munich on the anniversary of the Munich Olympics terrorist attack in 1972, was already known to the authorities. IS propaganda material is said to have been found on his cell phone, whereupon investigations were initiated last year on suspicion of membership in a terrorist organization, but were later discontinued.

Almost a month after the cancellation of the Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna, this case is the next “black-green security failure”. “ÖVP Interior Minister Karner and the DSN, with ex-ÖVP election worker Haijawi-Pirchner at the helm, are apparently only busy hunting for the phantom phenomenon of right-wing extremism and drumming up their mass surveillance fantasies against their own citizens, while dangerous Islamists walk around free and unobserved can. If there is a security risk in our country, then it is called Karner and ÖVP! Minister Zadic is acting just as negligently, as censoring opinions under the guise of the ‘fight against hatred on the internet’ or other left-wing pretexts to delegitimize unpopular opinions is more important than the safety of our population from Islamist threats,” Hafenecker explained and therefore described Karner and Zadic as “personalized security risks in the ministerial chair”.

The voters would therefore have it in their hands on September 29th with their votes to ensure an end to this “untimely period of uncertainty, the conscious turning a blind eye and trivializing the Islamist danger” at the ballot box: “The ÖVP and the Greens have the wrong immigration policy for years , but also SPÖ and NEOS, laid the foundation for radical Islamism to spread in our country and it is due to the ignorance of this united party that the resulting Islamist danger for our population can grow unhindered in parallel and counter-societies. This irresponsible policy must end. Only an immediate stop to asylum, consistent deportations of those at risk and a law prohibiting political Islam can create security again – and the only guarantee for this is an FPÖ-led federal government with an People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl!”


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