The 16th Austrian Cycling Summit will take place in Saalfelden Leogang in 2025

The annual cycling meeting for two days focuses on the connection between leisure and everyday cycling as well as new possibilities and paths to the mobility transition.

Vienna/Saalfelden, August 14, 2024. – From 3rd-4th The 16th Austrian Cycling Summit will take place in Saalfelden in Salzburg in June 2025. The top-class specialist conference with international participation is being held in collaboration with the municipality of Saalfelden, the Saalfelden Leogang region, the state of Salzburg and the Ministry of Climate Protection (BMK) as part of the climate protection initiative klimaactive organized on mobile.

“Cycling is good for the environment, for the climate and for your own health. I’m pleased that more and more people are switching to bicycles: three million people in Austria already cycle several times a week or even daily. The cycling potential can still be expanded, especially in rural areas: 61 percent of all car journeys here are shorter than ten kilometers and can therefore still be easily managed by bike or e-bike. I am pleased that the 16th Austrian Cycling Summit will take place in Saalfelden in 2025 and that we will be able to discuss together and use examples to demonstrate how cycling can be best promoted in rural areas. We are currently supporting cycling with a record amount from the federal budget of 108 million euros in 2024, so that even more people have good infrastructure for cycling,” says the Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler.

“The state of Salzburg has set itself the goal of becoming climate-neutral, energy-autonomous and sustainable. That’s why cycling is the mode of transport of the future for short distances. The more people get on their bikes, the more they are doing good for their own health and the environment. Everyone else on the road also benefits from more cyclists, because a high proportion of bicycles improves the flow of traffic in cities. “The bike also enables flexible door-to-door traffic and takes up less space – both for riding and for parking,” says the deputy governor Stefan Schnöll.

“In Saalfelden, climate-friendly, active mobility is high on the agenda. We are taking numerous measures to raise awareness among the population that mobility does not necessarily require a car. The bicycle or the combination of public transport and bicycle are real alternatives to motorized private transport, which we actively support and promote,” says Erich Rohrmosermayor of Saalfelden and a passionate cyclist himself.

“The Saalfelden Leogang region has been committed to high-quality and sustainable cycling for many years, for which we have already received several awards. “We are a role model for other tourism regions and at the same time see this as a mission to contribute to the further expansion of sustainable mobility and thus cycling in everyday life,” added Marco PointnerManaging Director of Saalfelden Leogang Touristik GmbH.

From leisure to everyday cycling

The 16th Austrian Cycling Summit in June 2025 will focus on the question of how we can get everyday cycling in rural and tourist regions moving, make the best possible use of synergies between leisure and everyday cycling and make cross-community cycling planning attractive.

Decision-makers in cities, municipalities and regions, from federal states and federal institutions, planners, interest representatives and stakeholders from science and business are invited. But those interested in cycling in general can also look forward to numerous specialist lectures and activities and, in particular, take part in excursions to projects that have already been implemented in Saalfelden and the surrounding area.

About klimaaktiv mobile:

climateactive mobile is the BMK’s climate protection initiative in the mobility sector. The focus is on promoting environmentally friendly and health-promoting mobility. For example, climate-friendly mobility management, cycling and walking, EcoDriving, alternative drives, renewable energy in the transport sector and innovative public transport offerings are being promoted. climateactive mobil implements the ambitious requirements of the Austrian government program to achieve climate neutrality in 2040 and thus supports the national climate and energy plan (NEKP). More information at

About the Austrian Cycling Summit:

The Austrian Cycling Summit was launched in 2007 and is now taking place for the 16th time. The two-day specialist conference serves as a platform for exchange and discussion on trends and developments in everyday cycling. The Austrian federal government has set itself the goal of increasing the share of cycling traffic to 13 percent by implementing the “Cycling Master Plan”.

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