Classical music: Podcast “Classical for Smart Asses”: Dribbling to jazz music

If speaking were an Olympic discipline, Laury Reichart and Uli Knapp would get the gold medal.


“Gossip Girl” was yesterday, now comes “Classic for Smart Asses.” The entertaining podcast with Laury Reichart and Uli Knapp doesn’t take itself too seriously, but is peppered with all sorts of facts as well as other people’s and own anecdotes. There is also classical music and a (sometimes very large) pinch of pop culture. While the two podcast hosts keep talking to each other, they educate the listeners.

They clear up urban music myths, ask the “classical etiquette” Tarik Tesfu about rules in the concert hall, introduce the worst opera singer of all time or dedicate themselves to the complicated friendship of “Tastenreh” Frédéric Chopin and “Keylion” Franz Liszt. In “When Tones Shine Blue” you not only learn that Liszt thought in colors, but you also discover various forms of synesthesia and well-known synesthetes together with the hosts.

The episodes, which last up to an hour, are extremely entertaining. You get the desire to engage more with the people, themes and music from the classical episodes, and understand more, episode by episode, how intertwined our environment is with classical music. Some old masterpieces can be found not only in pop music (“Road to Joy” by “Bright Eyes,” for example, is based on Beethoven’s “9th Symphony”) and in advertising, but also in gaming.

Starting with the Tetris melody “Korobeiniki”, which comes from a Russian folk song, the two jump over to the game developer Jun’ichi Masuda, who created the “Chinese Dance” from Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker” for the Pokémon melody the 90s took over in a simplified manner. Of course, you can also find out why classical music was so popularly used for Gameboy and Co. and what is important when composing game music.

In episodes such as “Space and Science Fiction”, “Classical Music and Drugs”, “Football in the Classical Period” and “Classic and Fashion” the magnifying glass is also focused on classical music. Excursions to modern songs are not only allowed, but also wanted. And so the two presenters not only make composers from times long past audible, they also put them into the context of our time. They have currently released an episode about the Olympics.

For example, the track and field athlete Rebekka Haase, who bears the title “the fastest flute in the world” because of her passion for the flute, has her say. There is a Spotify playlist for each episode. The playlist for “Ready, Set, Go!” “Music and the Olympics” is not quite as extensive as other episodes, with nine pieces of music. You hear a lot about the Olympic Games and their development, and the two also consider which sports music plays a role in and how music can be used for sports: for example, for training.

The Olympian explains in “Classic for Smart Asses” that she perceives a short-distance run like a piece of music: “You have a predetermined rhythm at a certain speed.” It’s like in music: “You have to keep the beat, otherwise they fall into place Pieces don’t come together.« For basketball coach Holger Geschwindner, who trained, among others, former professional basketball player Dirk Nowitzki, music is also very important. Geschwindner compares the team to a jazz ensemble: everyone gets their solo at some point, but together the groove is created. That’s why he likes to let youth players dribble and throw to jazz music.

“Classic for Smart Asses” now includes around a hundred episodes, which is why cross-references are often given. Laury and Uli skillfully play their moderation balls back and forth like in a game of ping-pong. If speaking were an Olympic discipline, then Laury Reichart and Uli Knapp would definitely get the gold medal.

“Klassik für Klugscheißer” runs on BR-Klassik and is available in the ARD audio library and on all common podcast platforms.

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