Open letter to state party chairman Karl Mahrer and club chairman Markus Wölbitsch
Vienna (OTS) –

Dear Mr. State Party Chairman Mahrer, dear Karl!

Dear Mr. Club Chairman Wölbitsch, dear Markus!

The current case of a Syrian asylum seeker family receiving 4,600 euros in Vienna social assistance has provoked numerous reactions. Many Viennese cannot believe that they can receive such a sum without working and without ever having paid a cent into the social system. The single father with an income of 2,300 euros and three children is unable to make ends meet for his family. The single mother who toils at Billa in a 40-hour work week cannot finance life for herself and her children. Even many pensioners who have toiled all their lives never reach the same sum as the Syrian asylum seeker family.

All of you and hundreds of thousands of other Viennese who are willing to perform find this unfair. They find the policies of SPÖ Mayor Ludwig and his social councilor Hacker unfair, who introduced and raised this unfair minimum security system in Vienna. But numerous experts have also pointed out the imbalance between the level of social assistance for these groups and the level of income of working people and see a massive need for action.

Despite this wave of criticism and indignation at this unjust system of the Vienna SPÖ, Mayor Ludwig and City Councilor Hacker persistently refuse to change anything about this system. They stubbornly stick to their course and alienate large sections of the Viennese population.

It is precisely these Viennese people who expect that the opposition party will fight against this red minimum security madness with all the means available. In recent years, the FPÖ has introduced countless initiatives in the local council and state parliament to ensure justice in Vienna’s social system. The left-wing town hall majority rejected them all.

It is therefore high time to use the strongest opposition tool against Ludwig and Hacker. We have already announced that we will call a special session of the Vienna State Parliament and submit a motion of no confidence against the mayor and his city council. Unfortunately, we have not yet received any positive feedback from the Vienna ÖVP leadership to support this request. As opposition politicians, we owe it to the people of Vienna to exhaust all possibilities to end the existing injustices in Vienna’s social system and finally ensure fairness for Austrian citizens.

We therefore cordially invite you to a discussion about the further procedure regarding the special meeting and the motion of no confidence. Let’s work together – for the people of Vienna!

We look forward to positive feedback!

Best regards

Dominik Nepp – regional party chairman FPÖ Vienna

Maximilian Krauss – club chairman FPÖ Vienna


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