FPÖ – Kickl: “ÖVP Chancellor Nehammer is once again showing his best side as a insulter and horse-stealer” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

“When the black Chancellor Nehammer raves in the APA interview that he now wants to strengthen and save our economy, it is downright grotesque in view of the cascade of disasters that he and those responsible for him have already caused in recent years. Of course it is important to take economic measures, but the ÖVP’s credibility is no longer there. Anyone who wants to tie the knot with Austro-Marxists at the ‘political wedding altar’ certainly cannot claim to want to be a business party. Nehammer wants to pull the wool over the eyes of citizens by explaining that he wants to stimulate economic growth. “You have to ask him what he has been up to since he took office in December 2021,” reacted the FPÖ federal party chairman Club Chairman NAbg today. Herbert Kickl on an interview with the Chancellor with the Austria Press Agency.

The ÖVP is no more a business party than a family party or a farmers’ party. It was the ÖVP Chancellor who allowed his Green Climate Minister Gewessler to agree to the renaturation law in Brussels without being contradicted, so that our food sovereignty and the lives of our farmers are now also at stake. “Nehammer’s empty phrases only remind one of Baron von Münchhausen and not of a state-supporting chancellor who wants to or can save Austria’s economy,” emphasized Kickl.

The reality, of course, looks different from the perspective of the population, especially when it hits the wallet and the all-important purchase can no longer be afforded: “Horrible inflation, highest energy and fuel prices, taxes as far as you can see, the worst “The budget deficit of the Second Republic and, not to mention, endless company bankruptcies, combined with rising unemployment figures, is the reality that Nehammer is turning a blind eye to. This means that the unelected Chancellor is at best once again showing his best side as a slanderer and horse-stealer.” .

He also cannot explain his way out of the undemocratic coaxing and dealings with the SPÖ and NEOS. Here the coming election is being declared a farce and the will of the voters is being ignored. “This is politics á la ÖVP in its purest form – an unelected chancellor wants to form an unelected government. “This can only be described as grotesque and contradicts all democratic customs,” emphasized Kickl.

The liberal federal party chairman also recalled that it was the ÖVP in particular that our Austria was and is being flooded with illegal asylum seekers from all over the world, who would now swing calmly in the social hammock – of course they will not be deported. “Even foreign gangs and ‘knife experts’ can feel safe in our country at taxpayers’ expense.”

“The results of the last few years are devastating: tax money wasted, increasing poverty, broken companies, a Corona regime that imprisoned the population and forced vaccinations, warmongering and people who can no longer afford energy and fuel. That will happen “We cannot have a strong FPÖ and a liberal chancellor. Our focus is on the people and not on self-proclaimed elites,” concluded Kickl.

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