Mixed results for (long-term) unemployed people

Successes of recent years are at risk in the future

Vienna (OTS)People seem to be satisfied with the level of (long-term) unemployment. In any case, this conclusion is obvious if successful programs are not extended and social enterprises that work against long-term unemployment throughout Austria have had to worry about the continuation of funding in the coming year and will probably also have to do so in 2025“, says Sabine Rehbichler, Managing Director of arbeit plus – Social Enterprise Austria.

The economy has experienced an unexpectedly rapid recovery post-COVID and the labor market has largely recovered. Even though we are currently seeing an increase again, the current number of almost 276,000 unemployed people – compared to up to 500,000 in March 2020, the peak phase of COVID – is not dramatically high. The discussion has also shifted from concerns about high unemployment figures to the issue of labor shortages. Long-term unemployment has also fallen to around 73,000 people since the record high of over 154,000 people affected in March 2021. Targeted labor market policy programs, such as the Springboard project with a focus on long-term unemployed people, also contributed to this. On the surface, all seems well on the job market.

However, a look behind the abstract figures of the labor market shows that unemployment is increasing, the proportion of long-term unemployed people among all unemployed people is consistently high at 27% and, above all, these people are particularly often affected by poverty. The 200 social enterprises in the arbeit plus network are already aware that the economy is in recession and pressure on the labor market is increasing. If you can’t keep up, you’ll quickly find yourself without a permanent job again. From the state side, it seems to be easier to pay unemployment benefits than to invest money and resources in eliminating structural causes and social enterprises, and thus in people and their skills and thus in the workforce of the future. Unfortunately, this approach is not sustainable.

Now it’s time to set the course for the future. This is where the potential for the labor market lies: People want to work – but the general conditions have to be right. This is the unanimous experience of social enterprises throughout Austria,continued Sabine Rehbichler. Many of the people who work in the 200 companies of arbeit plus – Social Enterprise Austria make the leap into the job market. For others the conditions are not (yet) right. Either the support is not long enough or obstacles such as a lack of reliable and adequate childcare have not been resolved.

Social enterprises could raise the potential of more people, bring them into the workforce and thus reduce the risk of poverty. To do this, however, they need leeway and longer-term financing. In order to implement this, a courageous and decisive policy is needed with the interest in adopting proven and innovative approaches such as step models, low-threshold employment opportunities and training for the transition to regular operations. The vision is that long-term unemployment is a thing of the past.

Questions & Contact:

Mag.a Christine Newald, MA
public relation
Media and political work

arbeit plus – Social Enterprises Austria
Herklotzgasse 21/3
1150 Vienna, Austria
T + 43 677 61058302
M christine.newald@arbeitplus.at
W www.arbeitplus.at

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