PULS 24 summer conversation with NEOS boss Beate Meinl-Reisinger – LIVE on Tuesday, July 30th.  at 8:15 p.m
Vienna (OTS) –

The PULS 24 Summer Talks 2024 are entering their second round. After the previous week Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler was a guest Meinrad Knapp on Tuesday NEOS boss Beate Meinl-Reisinger live in the main evening at 8:15 p.m. on JOYN, PULS 24 and PULS 4.

As club chairwoman and party leader Meinl-Reisinger in her second National Council election campaign for the NEOS and is aiming to participate in the government. In recent months, Meinl-Reisinger has not spared criticism of the turquoise-green federal government and has also taken on the left and right with the SPÖ and FPÖ. What could a government with pink participation look like? How does Meinl-Reisinger now look at the election on September 29th and what issues does she focus on? Meinrad Knapp asks.

As at the start, viewers can once again give their opinion live during the summer discussion. Together with the opinion research institute IFDD, a live survey will be carried out after the summer discussion at 9:10 p.m. as part of a “Pro and Contra Special” exclusively on JOYN and PULS 24 by the IFDD managing director Christoph Haselmayer at Gundula Geiginger is presented. Geiginger then welcomes a high-profile round of discussions around the NEOS Secretary General Douglas HoyosÖVP MPs Andreas Hanger“Press” columnist Anneliese Rohrer and actors Gregor Seberg to discuss the content of the summer conversation.

The next day comes Dominik Wlazny on Wednesday, July 31st at 8:15 p.m. live for a PULS 24 summer talk special. The head of the Beer Party – which is above the four percent hurdle in all current surveys – answers the questions from the moderator Meinrad Knapp on its political program, potential coalitions and its political goals. The summer talks with FPÖ party leader Herbert Kickl were originally planned for this day, but he canceled. This is immediately followed by a “Pro and Contra Special”, in which Christoph Haselmayer and Gundula Geiginger, among others, include the former President of the National Council Andreas Khol (ÖVP), musician Roman Gregory and communications consultant Nina Hoppe analyze the conversation.

Summer talks 2024, live on PULS 4, PULS 24 & JOYN, each at 8:15 p.m
July 30: Beate Meinl-Reisinger, NEOS
July 31st: Summer Talk 2024 Special – Dominik Wlazny, Beer Party
August 6th: Andreas Babler, SPÖ
Aug 13: Karl Nehammer, ÖVP

Repeated every Sunday, 10:15 p.m. on ATV & JOYN

Always afterwards at 9:10 p.m., LIVE on PULS 24 & JOYN
“Pro and Contra Special” with Gundula Geiginger and high-ranking discussants and analysts


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