TV documentary from ORF Vorarlberg: “Der Freischütz – Festival fever on Lake Constance”

“Experience Austria” on Sunday, July 28, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. on ORF 2 and on ORF ON

Vienna (OTS) Just a few hours after the last notes of the opera “Madame Butterfly” faded away on Lake Constance on August 20, 2023, the renovation work on the historic lakeside stage continued. Parallel to the renovation, the elaborate stage set for the opera “Der Freischütz” was created on the lake. For director Philipp Stölzl, this meant yet another challenge to the already very time-consuming production. Because everything had to work perfectly and be well-rehearsed by the premiere on July 17, 2024 at the latest. The ORF Vorarlberg “Experience Austria” documentary “Der Freischütz – Festival Fever on Lake Constance” will give exciting insights behind the scenes of the Bregenz Festival’s elaborate opera production on Sunday, July 28, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. on ORF 2 and on ORF ON.

A recording of the sea stage production “Der Freischütz”, which was broadcast live with a time delay on ORF 2 on July 19th, can be seen on Saturday, August 31st at 8:15 p.m. on 3sat. This year’s new house opera in Bregenz, Gioacchino Rossini’s rarely performed opera thriller “Tancredi”, can also be experienced on ORF: On Sunday, August 25th, at 11:30 p.m., ORF III will show a recording of the drama under the musical direction of Yi-Chen Lin Stand of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, singing includes Anna Goryachova, Mélissa Petit and Antonino Siragusa.

Sustainable as “Green Production”

“Der Freischütz – Festival Fever on Lake Constance” was implemented by ORF Vorarlberg as a “green production”. The film was created based on an extensive catalog of measures and meets the criteria for being awarded the Austrian eco-label for “Green Producing”. Throughout production, the focus was demonstrably on resource conservation and sustainability in the areas of energy, technology, mobility and the environment.

Design: Nikolaus Küng
Camera: Alexander Roschanek, Harald Schwarzmann
Editing: Jürgen Bereuter
Editor: Angelika Simma-Wallinger
Overall management: Markus Klement

Questions & Contact:

ORF Vorarlberg
Julia Feurstein
Press, public relations & events
(5572) 301-22558

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