Von der Leyen appointment: Instead of democracy, the EU rewards services that are particularly suspected of corruption

Further proof that only ÖXIT can help with this European Union

As was to be feared, Ursula Von der Leyen, who had never been elected by any citizen, was confirmed in office through an absurd collaboration by a single party. Despite corruption investigations, the citizens of Europe have to endure the controversial politician for another legislative period. The MFG Austria – People’s Freedom and Fundamental Rights party rejects any kind of job haggling – especially if it leads to the appointment of a warmonger.

Like no one else, Ursula von der Leyen represents an aloof, autocratic understanding of politics that completely ignores the will of the population. Be it the Ukraine war, the Green Deal or the climate madness – Von der Leyen is pursuing the plans of globalist elites, which are invariably to the detriment of people. It rejects fundamental rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of the press, for which people have fought at the risk of their lives – and are still fighting. None of this has anything to do with democracy, which also shows that the President of the EU Commission is not directly elected by the people of Europe. “We reject faked secret deals behind closed doors as undemocratic. We at the MFG see such a European Union as impossible to reform. Our path can only go in the direction of ÖXIT so that we can leave this madness behind us,” said LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman and top candidate for the National Council election.

“The MFG party is committed to the people. That’s why we reject the globalist Von der Leyen, who is suspected of corruption.” -LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman and NR top candidate –

The MFG party did not run for the EU elections for good reasons: “Because we completely reject the cheeky job haggling and the massive waste of taxpayer money in Strasbourg and Brussels. If the EU were the project that was promised to the people at the beginning, we would be the biggest supporters – because peace, freedom and healthy growth would be in the interests of the people of Europe,” said Aigner. Instead, politicians like Von der Leyen are pushing Europe into a deadly nuclear war against Russia while deindustrializing and ruining major economies based on the myth of boiling the earth.

“This European Union cannot be reformed – this is shown by the confirmation of Von der Leyen in office. ÖXIT is the logical consequence if we strive for peace, freedom and a healthy economy.” -LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman and NR top candidate –

Ursula von der Leyen autocratically squandered billions of Europeans’ tax money freely via SMS messages – until now no one was allowed to see these secret deals. What many have forgotten: Von der Leyen ordered 10 doses of experimental vaccines for every EU citizen on his own initiative – at the expense of the general public. The secrecy surrounding the billion-dollar pharmaceutical deals has now even been condemned by the EU court. Important information was withheld from people and the redacting of contracts is not permitted. Ms. Von der Leyen is also responsible for that. That’s why the European Public Prosecutor’s Office is investigating her for corruption. The fact that the investigation was put on hold during the EU elections is a scandal of a special kind. It is difficult to accept that such a person will continue to determine the fate of the European Union in the future. “If the voters trust us – i.e. the MFG – and allow us to enter the National Council, we will do everything we can to ensure that this unfortunate EU policy comes to an end immediately. We at the MFG will not tolerate autocracy and the influence of supranational organizations – not sure!” concluded Aigner.

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