Construction site chaos endangers Austria’s security of supply |  Central Association of Forwarding & Logistics, July 18, 2024

Total closures of the Deutsche Bahn, construction sites on Brenner, Tauern, A8 Munich-Salzburg

The domestic logistics industry solves highly complex challenges every day to ensure supplies for Austria’s population and economy. We have proven to everyone that we can do this during the Covid pandemic. However, completely uncoordinated, simultaneous large-scale construction sites on road and rail confront even the best systems with insurmountable barriers and threaten to end in a supply collapse.

Alexander Friesz, President of the Central Association for Forwarding & Logistics

Vienna (OTS) The renovation program launched by Deutsche Bahn these days with a planned total closure – also on the route via the Deutsche Eck – and the associated public criticism from business are the first signs of construction chaos that endangers Austria’s security of supply. The lack of coordination of road and railway renovations without suitable alternative routes puts security of supply at unnecessary and massive risk. The upcoming general renovation of the Brenner motorway and the planned overlapping renovations and closures along the A8 Munich-Salzburg and the Tauern motorway threaten to lead to enormous traffic and supply problems. The most important transport and trade routes will be massively affected. Rail freight transport, which has already lost capacity in recent years, will not offer an alternative to roads due to the planned total closure of Deutsche Bahn, but also due to many new construction sites in Austria. The Central Association of Freight Forwarding & Logistics generally shows understanding for the necessary renovation work, but strongly criticizes the lack of coordination and calls on the Ministry of Transport to exercise its coordination function and coordinate with the responsible states and the highway and rail operators responsible there in order to avoid chaotic conditions .

Alexander Friesz, President of the Central Association for Forwarding & Logistics, warns of unnecessary damage due to a lack of coordination: “The domestic logistics industry solves highly complex challenges every day to ensure supplies for Austria’s population and economy. We have proven to everyone that we can do this during the Covid pandemic. However, completely uncoordinated, simultaneous large-scale construction sites on road and rail confront even the best systems with insurmountable barriers and threaten to end in a supply collapse. We therefore once again appeal to all those responsible in the Ministry of Transport as well as the road and rail operators to coordinate within Austria as well as with Germany and Italy.”

In addition to professional coordination of construction sites and the provision of alternative routes, the ban on truck driving at night should also be lifted for the period of construction work in order to minimize traffic jams and traffic chaos.

As one of the most frequently used Alpine routes for road freight transport, the Brenner corridor is of crucial importance for the supply of goods to many European regions. There is now a threat of simultaneous or overlapping closures and traffic restrictions:

* From 2025, the urgent renovation or complete new construction of the Lueg Bridge near Gries am Brenner will result in massive traffic disruptions of up to 3 years.

* From 2027, renovation work on the Tauern Tunnel will severely impact the second main axis in a north-south direction.

* During the same period, 23 bridge renovations along the A8 Munich-Salzburg as well as the expansion from 6 to 8 lanes (including hard shoulders) between Rosenheim and the state border will lead to further burdens.

No road, no rail

Shifting freight transport to rail is not an alternative due to a lack of capacity, as well as construction work planned and already underway there, the total closure of Deutsche Bahn and the Brenner Tunnel, which is still under construction. The Central Association has already pointed out several times, supported by studies, the lack of potential in the current and future modal split and increasing volumes of goods in road freight transport.

Comprehensive measures required

In order to minimize the negative effects of the renovation work, the federal government, federal states, neighboring countries such as Germany and Italy, road maintainers and railway operators must act in a timely and coordinated manner. The temporary lifting of the night driving ban for trucks during the construction and renovation phases would help reduce traffic jams and stabilize traffic flows through better distribution of freight traffic.

Friesz: “We are calling for coordinated and fact-based action here – in the interests of security of supply. As a basis for decision-making, potential analyzes and simulations should also be urgently taken into account, which ensure the correct staggering of projects and the securing of alternative routes. And this also includes lifting the ban on truck night driving and suspending the current dosage measures, which will lead to even more traffic jams without alternatives and alternative routes.

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Central Association for Forwarding & Logistics
+43 (0)1 512 35 38

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