Welcome back!  How to successfully reintegrate after a long-term illness

Sickness rates in Austria are as high as they were 30 years ago. A large proportion results from a few long-term cases. Stressful for those affected and companies.

Reintegration after a long-term sick leave poses challenges for many companies. A common mistake is to maintain the same conditions and starting points as before the illness. This often leads to well-known worries and fears arising in the minds of those affected and their colleagues, which make returning more difficult. Instead, the topic should be actively discussed

Charlyne Hochreiter-Götz, psychosocial consultant and corporate health expert at Mavie Work

Vienna (OTS) Sickness rates in Austria are at their highest level in 30 years. On average, Mr. and Mrs. Austrians were sick for 15.4 days in 2023. Respiratory diseases are the most common cause of sick leave. But while nothing stands in the way of a healthy return to work after a few days, mental illnesses such as burnout, musculoskeletal disorders or cancer can lead to long periods of downtime. Since these diseases are also on the rise, a large proportion of sick leave days in Austria are caused by a relatively small number of long-term cases. Sickness absences that last longer than six weeks only represent 3.8% of the total, but account for 43% of sick leave days.

Three pillars of holistic health management

These long-term sick leaves are a major challenge for those affected and their employers. Health-wise, psychologically, organizationally, but also financially. A day of sick leave costs companies an average of 250 euros. According to the WKO’s absence report, the direct and indirect business and economic costs of absences amounted to 5.3 billion euros in 2022. Companies are therefore required to actively support the health of their employees. The Employee Protection Act obliges employers to protect the safety and health of their employees. Many companies also rely on company health promotion to actively strengthen the health of their employees. In addition, operational integration management is considered the third pillar of holistic health management. The aim is to enable those with long-term illnesses to return to work. Managers in particular have an important role to play in reintegration.

Optimal reintegration as a success factor

About a third of all burnout patients who return to work suffer a relapse within the first two years. Charlyne Hochreiter-Götz, psychosocial consultant and corporate health expert at Mavie Work, reports: “Reintegration after a long-term sick leave poses challenges for many companies. A common mistake is to maintain the same conditions and starting points as before the illness. This often leads to well-known worries and fears arising in the minds of those affected and their colleagues, which make returning more difficult. Instead, the topic should be actively discussed.” Successful reintegration after a break requires open communication and a trustworthy framework. An open conversation enables a smooth transition back to everyday work and prepares the team optimally for the changed situation.

What managers can do

Gradual reintegration is not just an administrative act. By supporting and accompanying the affected team member in their everyday work, managers make a decisive contribution to the success of the measure, says Mavie Work expert Charlyne Hochreiter-Götz. She has 3 tips for managers on how they can optimally support their employees’ comeback after long-term sick leave.

1. Find the conversation – and listen

Managers should contact affected team members early on to clarify their expectations and needs.

2. Show optimism

Reintegration offers an ideal opportunity to appeal to the team spirit among employees and strengthen the feeling of togetherness. A healthy dose of optimism is crucial here – an attitude that should be shared by both managers and colleagues.

3. Obtain feedback, improve processes

It is important to respond specifically to the needs of employees and to redesign and improve work processes. What requirements do you need to work happily and productively? Are there enough breaks? What is the working atmosphere like in the office?

As a leading provider of occupational health promotion, Mavie Work also provides companies with advice and support when it comes to reintegration after long-term sick leave. So that employers and employees alike can say more and more often after recovering from illness: Welcome back!

About Mavie Work

Mavie Work is a leading provider of corporate health promotion and supports companies and their employees on their way to a healthier organization. Mavie’s portfolio includes everything that helps organizations and their employees stay healthy. The offers are holistic, include physical and mental health and range from modern, low-threshold diagnostics, exercise offers, mental coaching to nutritional advice. EAP (Employee Assistance Program) is dedicated to the mental health of employees through confidential personal consultations. Managers are supported with coaching, seminars and training. Mavie currently supports around 190 companies with around 145,000 employees. Behind Mavie are experienced and passionate health experts who care about making a lasting and noticeable difference in health.

Questions & Contact:

Karin Steinbichler
Metrum Communications GmbH
M +43/699/15909099
E k.steinbichler@metrum.at

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