Broad majority in the Federal Council for a “third” care package

In the future, qualified nursing staff will also be able to prescribe certain medications

Vienna (PK) There was great excitement in the National Council last week after the ÖVP and the Greens quickly submitted a comprehensive amendment to the Health and Nursing Act with new powers for qualified nursing staff and nursing assistants as well as innovations in the field of training. The opposition was outraged that they didn’t even have time to read through all the proposals before the vote. However, the FPÖ has now given its approval to the corresponding legislative package in the Federal Council. Together with the coalition parties, she advocated not raising any objections to the National Council decision. Further bills from the social sector as well as a federal-state agreement also passed the state chamber – some unanimously, some by a majority.

Overall, he has Federal Council Today and yesterday, 56 legislative resolutions of the National Council, five state treaties and four federal-state agreements were negotiated. With the exception of the so-called Renewable Gas Act (see parliamentary correspondence Nr. 817/2024) these are now all finally on track.

From 2025, accident pension will no longer be counted towards the compensation allowance

Specifically, from September 2025, qualified nursing staff will be able to independently prescribe medicines in the areas of nutritional intake, personal hygiene and nursing interventions. In other areas, continued prescription of medication prescribed by a doctor will be possible. In addition, special training or specializations for the senior nursing service – with a longer transition phase – will in future be located exclusively in the tertiary education sector and the field of activity of the senior nursing service will be made more flexible. The area of ​​responsibility of nursing assistants is expanding to include assistance with surgical wound care and the administration of infusions without medication.

Furthermore, this looks Legislative package In view of the planned expansion of the nursing scholarship to include nursing training at universities of applied sciences, we propose to transfer an additional €20 million annually to the AMS from the budget of the Ministry of Social Affairs. Furthermore, disability pensions and other cash benefits from accident insurance such as disability benefits and company pensions will no longer be taken into account when calculating the compensation allowance and social assistance from January 1, 2025.

SPÖ criticizes unclear terminology

In the debate, Federal Councilor Christian Fischer (SPÖ/NÖ) emphasized that the SPÖ had originally wanted to agree to the legislative package. However, due to the extensive amendment proposed in the National Council, this is no longer possible. Among other things, Fischer finds unclear terminology in the Health and Nursing Act. He also expects difficulties in implementing the provisions in practice. In principle, Fischer warned against private investors in the care and health sector. He fears a “sell-off” of healthcare facilities.

Markus Steinmaurer (FPÖ/Upper Austria), however, signaled his approval of the legislative package. Last but not least, he expects improvements for care at home.

On the part of the Greens, Upper Austrian Federal Councilor Claudia Hauschildt-Buschberger was convinced that the reformulation and expansion of the competencies of the higher service in the area of ​​health and nursing care was in the interests of the patients. Johanna Miesenberger (ÖVP/OÖ) pointed out, among other things, the valorization of the relatives’ bonus for caring relatives in the coming year and the desired acceleration of the nostrification of foreign nursing training. Overall, she expects the “third care package” to attract additional skilled workers. For Miesenberger, the new accident pension regulations are an important measure for socially disadvantaged people.

Lower pension deductions

According to Social Affairs Minister Johannes Rauch, the legislative package also contains a measure in favor of nursing staff who do hard work. For employees who claim an invalidity or occupational disability pension before the age of 60, the pension deductions would be reduced from the current 13.8% to 9%, provided there were ten years of hard work within the last 20 years before the reference date. This applies not only to nursing staff, but also to nursing staff, he said. In this sense, he expressed surprise at the SPÖ’s rejection of the law.

As far as the possibility of continued prescription of medication by qualified nursing staff, Rauch claimed that this demand came from the professional group. The doctor’s reservation, which exists in several areas, is “antiquated,” he said. Rauch also pointed out additional funds for social insurance, which would mean strengthening self-administration.

More powers for home helpers

That too Social Security Amendment Act 2024 with dozens of detailed changes in the area of ​​social security law Anchoring a transitional provision for social educators in the social work designation law and one Change to the federal-state agreement The Federal Council did not place any obstacles in the way of the career profile and training of social care professions. Home helpers who have completed the “Support with basic care” module will in future – on the instructions of health workers – also measure blood pressure, pulse and temperature, as well as check blood sugar using digital devices and administer medically prescribed eye, Nose and ear drops may be helpful. For this purpose, the theoretical and practical training will be extended. In addition, the minimum age for specialist social workers and qualified social workers will be reduced to 18 years.

Strengthening disability advocacy

Finally, the Federal Councilors agreed on one thing Amendment to the Crime Victims Act as well as one Legislative package to improve the situation of people with disabilities. This will, among other things, strengthen the Disability Advocate and the Federal Advisory Council for the Disabled and provide financial security for the Austrian Council for the Disabled as an interest group for people with disabilities. In addition, companies with at least 400 employees are required to appoint an accessibility officer. Bureaucratic relief when applying for a disability pass is also part of the package.

The amendment to the Crime Victims Act aims to speed up proceedings regarding victims’ claims so that a decision can be made before the criminal proceedings are completed. In addition, the War Victims Care Act and the Vaccine Damage Act provide clarifications regarding the assumption of the costs of non-official experts.

A motion for a resolution from the SPÖ regarding the creation of an inclusion fund based on the model of the care fund did not receive a majority. According to Federal Councilor Korinna Schumann, the fund could finance statutory health and pension insurance for people in workshops for the disabled as well as assistance services for people with disabilities. (Federal Council conclusion) gs

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