Black and blue leave social markets in Lower Austria out in the cold

Silvia Moser: Green push for financial support was rejected

But with its rejection, black and blue leaves the social markets and their customers out in the cold

Silvia Moser

St. Pölten (OTS)

A few days before Christmas, the black-blue state government in Lower Austria continues to show its heartless side in the state parliament. The social markets in our state are denied financial support. Social spokesperson Silvia Moser explains the Green motion as follows: “The social markets have never received a regular subsidy from the state of Lower Austria. Due to inflation, the number of customers has increased significantly and at the same time the social markets themselves are struggling with increased costs. In addition, donations of goods have decreased. However, those affected are dependent on what the social markets offer. It is now all the more important to support the social markets with an annual basic subsidy. The Green Club in the Lower Austrian state parliament is calling for this through an application as a clear signal from black and blue for socially disadvantaged people in our state. Upper Austria is there, for example. B. has already gone one step further and is supporting the social markets with EUR 400,000 this year.”

The current price increases are massively affecting the operators of the social markets themselves. Energy, rent, goods collection and personnel costs cause enormous additional costs. It is important for the social market sponsoring organizations to still offer customers affordable food and to maintain the urgently needed supply.

In 2021, the “ARGE Social Basic Food Supply Lower Austria” was founded with the aim of ensuring the future supply of Lower Austrians affected by or at risk of poverty.

“With our application we could have ensured that Lower Austrian customers did not have to be turned away from social markets and were provided with all the food they needed. But with its rejection, black-blue is leaving the social markets and their customers out in the cold,” concludes Silva Moser.

Questions & Contact:

Michael Pinnow
Press spokesman for the Lower Austrian Greens

Green club in the Lower Austrian state parliament
New Herrengasse 1/House 1/
3100 St. Pölten
Telephone office: 02742/9005 1670
Telephone mobile: 0676/944 72 69

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