VP-Mahrer ad Road-Runner Favorites |  The Vienna People’s Party, July 6, 2024

Road runner scene at Kurpark Oberlaa terrorizes the local population

Vienna (OTS)

Joint and immediate operations by the police and the magistrate must have a lasting effect.

VP City Councilor Karl Mahrer confirms the content of the reporting in today’s Kronen-Zeitung: “As part of my campaign “Let’s talk about Vienna” I have been approached by several citizens by phone and in person about the grievances in the last few days. People tell me that massive groups of road runners have been terrorizing the residents of Filmteichstrasse and the surrounding streets around the Oberlaa Kurpark for a long time. Recently, there are signs that, in addition to insults and threats, violent clashes cannot be ruled out.”

According to information from numerous citizens, it usually starts on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 5 p.m. Recently, the young people, often with a migrant background, have personally insulted or threatened residents. Eggs are thrown at windows and verbal battles between residents and rioting young people show that it is no longer just about the usual “road runner scene”.

Karl Mahrer, himself police vice president in Vienna for many years: “We are on the side of the people here too. The concerns of the residents around Filmteichstrasse are more than understandable. Extensive and sustainably effective measures must be taken quickly at the Oberlaa spa park. This morning I had personal discussions with Federal Police Director Michael Takacs, Police Chief Dr. Gerhard Pürstl and also the municipal administration and urgently suggested joint operations. As the Vienna People’s Party, we will examine the effectiveness of the measures and continue to act according to the principle: look instead of looking away and solve problems.”

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