City of Hall decides on drastic cuts of 50%

The Forum Kultur Hall launches a petition against the “HALLbation” and receives prominent support

Hall in Tirol (OTS) Shortly before the end of the year, at the Hall city council meeting on December 12, 2023, a 50% reduction in subsidies for cultural businesses and cultural workers operating in Hall was decided. This means the end for most initiatives that are already working under precarious conditions. Planning security and handshake quality are essential for cultural companies that have to design and finance programs and activities in the long term. The Gassenspiele, the BurgSommerHall, the Sprachsalz literature festival and the Saitenspiele can no longer be implemented with the reduced budgets. The continued existence of the theater in the brewhouse is in danger. The Stromboli cultural laboratory and the St. Barbara Gallery (Tirol Easter Festival, musik+) can only continue to work with drastic cuts. For decades, all of these cultural initiatives have ensured a contemporary, active and lively cultural life in the city of Hall, which is known for its cultural diversity far beyond the city and state borders, with great commitment, care and competence. The cuts that have now been decided put all of this at risk and are disproportionate to the decades-long development work of Hall’s cultural associations, which will be destroyed in one fell swoop without achieving any significant relief for the city’s financial budget.
The Kultur Hall Forum is launching the online petition “For the preservation of Hall’s cultural scene: no to #HALLbiert“, which is already supported by numerous well-known personalities.

The Forum Kultur Hall is a platform for contemporary cultural associations in Hall consisting of BurgSommerHall, Galerie St. Barbara, Haller Gassenspiele, KleinKunstHall, Kolpingbühne Hall, Kulturlabor Stromboli, KUNSTtransPORT, Saitenspiele, Sprachsalz, Theater in the Brewhouse, Theater Scenario.

Initial supporters
Gregor Bloeb, Michael Buchinger, Cordula Bürgi, Manu Delago, Gerti Drassl, Roland Düringer, Thomas Feuerstein, Therese Fiegl, Franzobel, Martin Fritz, Beat Furrer, Markus Hinterhäuser, Barbara Hundegger, Peter Paul Kainrath, Markus Koschuh, Thomas Maurer, Doris Mitterbacher (Mieze Medusa), Ernst Molden, Tobias Moretti, Helga Rabl-Stadler, Beate Palfrader, Martin Plattner, Gerhard Polt, Patrick Pulsinger, Ilija Trojanow, Manuel Rubey, Michael Seeber, Dirk Stermann, Siljarosa Schletterer, Angelika Schopper, Elisabeth Schweeger, Ursula Strauss, Andreas Vitásek, Franz Adrian Wenzl (Austrofred), Harald Windisch, The Well Brothers from Biermoos, 5/8erl in honor

Questions & Contact:

Julia Mumelter: +43 676 4457260
Hannah Crepaz: +43 699 16351604

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