When medicines travel

Medicines are delicate products and must always be stored safely and disposed of properly after use. This also applies on vacation.

Carrying a first-aid kit with you can save a lot of time in the event of illness and enable quick medical care. People who regularly take medication in particular need to be appropriately equipped for longer stays. But medicines are delicate products. It is therefore all the more important to handle it carefully and carefully, especially under travel conditions. This starts with storing them correctly while on vacation and disposing of them in the most environmentally friendly way possible when they are no longer needed

Mag. Alexander Herzog, Secretary General of PHARMIG

Vienna (OTS) According to Statistics Austria, the Austrian population took around 27 million holiday trips in 2023. The summer months were the main travel times. At the beginning of the current season, Alexander Herzog, Secretary General of PHARMIG, appeals to travelers to use medication responsibly while on vacation.

Carrying a first-aid kit with you can save a lot of time in the event of illness and enable quick medical care. People who regularly take medication in particular need to be appropriately equipped for longer stays. But medicines are delicate products. It is therefore all the more important to handle it carefully and carefully, especially under travel conditions. This starts with storing them correctly while on vacation and disposing of them in the most environmentally friendly way possible when they are no longer needed“, so Herzog.

Especially when traveling to warmer regions, it is important to protect not only your skin from the sun, but also the medications you are carrying. The ingredients they contain are often sensitive to heat and light. Medicines can lose their effectiveness due to improper storage without this being externally noticeable. Medicines should therefore be protected from light and moisture and stored as cool as possible. Special bags or boxes with ice packs are suitable for transport. A look at the package insert provides all the information worth noting.

Air travelers should carry medication in their carry-on luggage to avoid problems at their destination if their main luggage does not arrive. “Anyone who takes medicines on the plane must observe the regulations for liquids. A medical certificate in German and English can also help to shorten possible delays in the security check,” explains Herzog. You should also ask your doctor’s office or pharmacy well before departure whether an import permit is required for certain medications.

Holidaymakers are also in the best hands at the nearest pharmacy when it comes to disposing of medication. “Leftover tablets, bottles with residual liquid or expired medicines must not be disposed of in household waste or in the toilet. The right thing to do is to take them to the nearest pharmacy to ensure environmentally friendly disposal. Because responsibility for the environment doesn’t end at the holiday destination,” emphasizes Herzog. For example, it is also important to clean your hands thoroughly with a cloth after applying medical ointment. In this way you can prevent active ingredients from getting into the wastewater through washing.

About PHARMIG: PHARMIG is the voluntary interest group of the Austrian pharmaceutical industry. The association currently has around 120 members (as of July 2024), who cover a good 95 percent of the medication market. PHARMIG and its member companies stand for the best possible security of supply of medicines in the healthcare system and ensure social and medical progress through quality and innovation.

Questions & Contact:

PHARMIG – Association of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry
Peter Richter, SEE MORE
Head of Communications & PR
+43 664 8860 5264

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