30 years of IMC Krems: For its birthday, the university of applied sciences becomes the first university of applied sciences in Austria

Krems (OTS) The IMC Krems celebrated its 30th anniversary with numerous representatives from politics, business, research and education. The event also marks the beginning of a new era: On its birthday, the IMC Krems leaves 30 years of “University of Applied Sciences” behind and continues its history with the new name “University of Applied Sciences”.

Core tasks of education and research

Since its founding in 1994, the IMC Krems has developed into an important institution in the regional and national university landscape. With a variety of internationally oriented, innovative degree programs, the university fulfills its core tasks in education and research. After the additional locations in Mistelbach and Horn for the health and nursing degree program, IMC Krems is planning to start two new degree programs in the area of ​​natural sciences and technology as well as two new business degree programs.

The research focuses address future topics, are long-term oriented and are continually developed through national and international collaborations with business, society and other academic institutions. They range from sustainability topics in the field of economics to current developments in healthcare to state-of-the-art focus topics in natural sciences and technology.

Congratulations and greetings

Guests of honor, companions and employees celebrated the success story of IMC Krems on June 26, 2024. Numerous guests were welcomed at the ceremony on campus followed by the Summer Lounge.

Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research Martin Polaschek congratulated: “Over the last 30 years, the IMC Krems has significantly advanced higher education in Austria through its commitment and innovative strength and, as an institution, stands for the high quality of teaching and research in Austria. I warmly congratulate IMC Krems on its anniversary and look forward to further years of good cooperation!”

State Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner was impressed by the development of IMC Krems: “Thirty years ago our compatriots had no choice. If they wanted to study, they had to leave our state. Today, Lower Austria offers young people a diverse and attractive range of courses on their doorstep. The IMC Krems has not only grown over the past three decades, it has outgrown itself. From 50 students to over 3,100 and from three to over 350 employees – this is what one of the most important educational institutions in Lower Austria looks like. Congratulations on this dynamic development, which we as a country will continue to actively support.”

Internationally oriented, regionally anchored

Heinz Boyer, company founder and chairman of the supervisory board of IMC Krems, reminisced at the anniversary celebration: “We started the Tourism and Leisure Management course in 1994. With our innovative concept, we were the first to teach a university degree program exclusively in English and to require practical semesters abroad.”

Ulrike Prommer, managing director of IMC Krems, added: “We look back on the last 30 years, but much more forward. We look to the future with optimism in order to continue to create innovative and high-quality educational offerings. At the same time, we are internationally oriented and regionally anchored. The new name ‘University of Applied Sciences’ shows our core tasks: practice-oriented education and applied research, where we will position ourselves even further in the future.”

The most important figures – 30 years of IMC Krems

The IMC Krems is a modern, nationally and internationally renowned university of applied sciences in Austria. The range of courses includes both full-time and part-time 28 innovative bachelor’s and master’s degree programs with a focus on business, health and natural sciences and technology. The number of students is 3,100 at the Krems location (other remote locations for the health and nursing degree program are Mistelbach and Horn – the latter from autumn 2024) as well as 700 students at five international locations in Azerbaijan, China, Latvia, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. More than 13,500 graduates have completed their studies at IMC Krems.

Questions & Contact:

IMC Krems
Michaela Sabathiel
Head of Marketing & Public Relations
T: +43 2732 802

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