FPÖ – Amesbauer: “The smuggling mafia can only be stopped with an immediate stop to asylum!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

“ÖVP Interior Minister Karner stubbornly continues with the classic ÖVP asylum PR!”

Vienna (OTS) “Even if the ÖVP Interior Minister doesn’t want to admit it and therefore stubbornly continues with the classic ÖVP asylum PR: What is actually true is that under the black-green government, over 240,000 illegal immigrants were admitted. The absolute record year with 112,000 asylum applications took place under Karner himself and this circumstance clearly overshadowed the catastrophic year of 2015. Likewise, Herbert Kickl, as Interior Minister, allowed by far the fewest illegal immigrants into the country. And the fact is that the current asylum numbers are far too high. The ÖVP minister should finally take note of these real facts and not ‘make himself comfortable in his ministerial chair praising himself and being satisfied with his inaction’. You can only stop the smuggling mafia if you destroy their business basis with an immediate ban on asylum,” said FPÖ security spokesman NAbg today. Hannes Amesbauer.

“Only a ‘Fortress Austria’ with an immediate stop to asylum, real border protection, benefits in kind instead of money and the de-attractiveness of Austria as a destination country can effectively put a stop to illegal mass immigration, as the Austrian population clearly expects. This ‘new migration of peoples’ can only be stopped by an FPÖ-led federal government with a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl,” emphasized Amesbauer again.

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