FPÖ – Schnedlitz on the renaturation law: This coalition is destroying Austria |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

The black-green government has long since ended

Vienna (OTS) “It is the responsibility of the ÖVP and Chancellor Nehammer to take immediate action before the damage is done in Austria by agreeing to a centralist-ideologically controlled intervention such as the renaturation law. Power political calculations must not take precedence over Austria’s interests here. If the ÖVP does not take action, it will bear full responsibility,” said FPÖ General Secretary NAbg. Michael Schnedlitz on Leonore Gewessler’s announcement that she would agree to the renaturation law.

“If the ÖVP sticks to the coalition, there will be no more excuses for Nehammer either. The sooner this coalition of ‘Austria traitors’ clears the government bank, the better for our homeland Austria. That would be an essential step towards a real liberation for the Austrian population, which the ÖVP and the Greens had already massively punished on June 9, 2024. By making the Freedom Party number 1 in a federal election for the first time, the Austrians have already shown courage, confidence and the desire for a positive change in the EU elections. The ÖVP will now have to be judged by whether it is actually concerned with the rule of law or whether, out of power-political calculations, it wants to quickly get rid of various postal shenanigans together with the Greens according to the usual ‘system principle’,” emphasized Schnedlitz.

“Record bankruptcies, destruction of wealth and impoverishment, loss of our identity and sovereignty, erosion of Austria as a business location and increase in unemployment, illegal mass immigration, EU subordination, a policy against the interests of its own population: This is the balance sheet of this systemic coalition in conjunction with the red pink pseudo-opposition. And in contrast to this there is the offer of an honest change for the better, a real political restart and a turn towards our own people – with the Freedom Party and with Herbert Kickl,” said Schnedlitz. Incidentally, since January 2020, the ÖVP has supported and shared responsibility for every absurd measure taken by the Greens in very crucial areas, it has simply accepted the damage that its own population has suffered and has not even used the coalition-free space to combat illegal mass immigration To put a stop to Austria – keyword “Fortress Austria”

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