New survey: Over 80 percent demand Austria’s consent to the EU renaturation law

WWF: market survey shows non-partisan majority for law – two thirds of the population consider the blockade stance of some state governors to be wrong

Vienna (OTS) According to a recent survey, 82 percent of the population is in favor of Austria agreeing to the EU renaturation law. At the same time, more than two thirds consider it “unjustified” that several state governors want to prevent a yes to the law. This is shown by a representative survey by the market institute (1,000 online interviews) for the WWF. “This is a clear mandate for politicians. In terms of content, everything has long been pointing in favor of Austria’s approval because we are thereby securing our common livelihood in Europe,” says WWF program manager Hanna Simons in advance of the planned vote in the EU Environment Council on Monday. “The planned law not only strengthens climate and nature protection, but also the long-term security of Austria. Intact ecosystems are our best allies against the consequences of the climate and biodiversity crisis,” argues Simons. The population has also recognized this, as the results of the survey suggest: 90 percent are in favor of an “Austrian-wide program for the renaturation of sealed areas” given the impact of the recent storms and floods.

According to the market survey, Austria’s approval of the EU law is strongly supported across party lines – most strongly among sympathizers of the Greens, the SPÖ and the NEOS, each with well over 90 percent (99 and 97 and 96 percent respectively answer “definitely ” or “rather so”). But according to this survey, a majority of declared supporters of the ÖVP and FPÖ would also welcome it if Austria voted for the EU law (a total of 72 and 61 percent answered “definitely” or “probably”). “The fact that there are majorities across party lines here may seem surprising at first glance, but it is also based on a generally high level of awareness of nature. Protecting nature is important to many people. Over 90 percent of those surveyed see society as having a responsibility here,” comments market study director Birgit Starmayr.

The survey results also contain a clear mandate for local politicians: Over 80 percent of those surveyed demand that they do more to restore destroyed nature – for example, unseal soils or renaturalize rivers and moors. 90 percent agree with the statement made by market that “intact nature improves protection against disasters and is therefore also a question of the country’s security”. Almost as many (88 percent) consider it “particularly important that our nature is consistently protected and restored”. Over 80 percent also agree that there should be binding goals in Austria and Europe.

Austria’s consent possible
With the latest decision by the Vienna state government for the EU law, the state veto is no longer uniform and is therefore politically outdated. According to the renowned lawyer Daniel Ennöckl, head of the Institute of Law at BOKU Vienna, the way is clear for the Environment Minister’s approval as soon as a federal state officially withdraws from the blocking “uniform state statement”. According to the Federal Constitutional Law (B-VG), you can then agree to the EU regulation without the consent of other ministries. Most recently, the ÖVP Agriculture Minister also voted for the weakening of environmental standards in the Common Agricultural Policy, despite an objection from the Environment Ministry.

About the survey
For the cited survey, the market research institute market surveyed 1,000 people online, representative of the Austrian population aged 15 and over (specified fluctuation range: +/- 3.16 percent; survey period June 11th to 13th, 2024).

Survey graphics there is here.

Questions & Contact:

Leonhard Steinmann, Head of Communications WWF Austria, +43 676 834 88 268,

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