Austrian Life Science Day 2024 with a focus on health data

The 2nd Austrian Life Science Day was all about health data and its potential uses for medical innovations and better patient care.

Vienna (OTS) On June 4th, the Austrian Life Science Day took place for the second time on behalf of aws (Life Science Austria) and FFG. This time the event was organized by the Styrian Life Science Cluster Styria at the Medical University of Graz. The focus was on one of the most important future topics for the life sciences, namely health data and its possible uses. Interest groups from medicine, research and business were able to exchange ideas intensively in presentations, panels, short lectures and B2B sessions.

The life science and pharmaceutical industry not only creates innovation and value creation in Austria, but also acts as a significant employer. We have therefore anchored the life sciences as one of our central key areas in both research and industrial policy and are constantly working together with funding agencies and companies to further increase the potential in Austria as a location.“, said Labor and Economics Minister Martin Kocher.

With the Austrian Life Science Day, LISA has created a trend topic event for the second time to actively promote networking and exchange within the life science industry. On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Economic Affairs, we have been supporting the life sciences for more than 20 years, especially with our deep tech instruments preseed and seed financing. Both programs will provide a total of EUR 19 million for financing and advising life sciences start-ups for the period from 2024 to 2026says aws managing director Edeltraud Stiftinger.

After the successful last two years, since the start of the FFG’s Austrian Life Sciences program, a total of 45 million euros will be made available for the life sciences sector this year until the end of 2026. The program continues to support innovative and outstanding projects in medical device and drug research as well as phase I and II clinical trials. It also supports cooperative lead projects that integrate digital solutions in healthcare. The focus is on promoting health and prevention in order to increase the number of healthy years of life in the population as a whole“, says FFG managing director Henrietta Egerth.

As a Styrian life science network, one of our tasks is to promote and stimulate networking, know-how and exchange with regard to new trends and innovation. We operate at the interface of research, business and politics – and this is exactly where one of the most important topics of our time belongs: the secure use of health data is of central importance for the further development of the healthcare system, here in Styria and throughout Europe . We therefore organized the Austrian Life Science Day with pride and great joy – also because we were able to present some of Styria’s lighthouse projects in this area to a large specialist audience“, said Lejla Pock, Managing Director of Styria, with satisfaction.

Meilenstein „European Health Data Space“

Comprehensive data on diseases, patients and treatment outcomes are required to develop new drugs and therapies. Although the potential of this data is particularly high in the health sector, it has so far been extremely difficult for everyone involved to obtain and use suitable data material. The introduction of the EHDS (European Health Data Space) represents significant progress towards improved healthcare and medical innovation in Europe. The emerging common European data space is of crucial importance for pharmaceutical, biotech and medical technology companies in Austria and throughout Europe.

Austrian Life Science Day was a complete success for the second time

Health data also plays an important role in the development of medical devices in order to understand the needs of users and patients and optimize them accordingly. They also support doctors’ decision-making and thus enable more efficient use of resources, which further improves patient care. In addition, health data forms the basis for scientific studies and research projects that investigate solutions to health challenges. Companies that specialize in the analysis and processing of health data make an indispensable contribution to sustainably supporting and continually improving health systems.

This year’s keynote explained Finland’s path as a pioneer in the use of health data within Europe. Start-ups such as aitologic, Predicting Health and NORGANOID presented themselves to an interested expert audience and gave insights into their visionary handling of health data. The projects here ranged from AI-supported solutions for early disease detection to AI-based predictions of disease progression to data-supported development and production of organoid models from stem cells.

The 2nd Austrian Life Science Day 2024 was organized by aws (Life Science Austria) and FFG in collaboration with the Styrian Life Science Cluster Styria. The venue was the Medical University of Graz. The English-language event was supported by funds from the aws program LISA – International Location Marketing, the FFG, WKO, ICS as well as CANCOM Austria and Roche Diagnostics. In addition, LISAvienna, MTC Medical Technology Cluster, ecoplus. Lower Austria’s Business Agency GmbH, Innovation Salzburg and the Life Sciences Cluster of the Tirol Event-Partner location agency.

Photos of the event will be posted on the website Styria published.

Questions & Contact:

Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH
Corporate communication
Matthias Bishop
T: +43 1 501 75-375

LISA – Life Science Austria
Liesa Doppler
T: +43 1 501 75-396

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