Blimlinger is deeply saddened by the death of Sabine Ladstätter

The internationally renowned archaeologist died at the age of 55

Vienna (OTS) Sabine Ladstätter became internationally known primarily through her research in Ephesus and made a significant contribution to bringing Austrian archeology to the forefront worldwide. She was one of the outstanding experts in her field and had a wonderful ability to make her research results understandable to the public. “At the beginning of her career in Ephesus in 2009, things were certainly not made easy for her as a young scientist. “With her determined and also passionate and combative nature, she managed to convince the critics very quickly, on the one hand through her scientific work and on the other hand through her high level of social competence and collegiality,” says Eva Blimlinger, science spokeswoman for the Green Party, deeply impressed Sabine Ladstätter’s early death affected.

Above all, she cared about educational work and succeeded in arousing interest in archeology among young and old in numerous appearances. For this she was voted Scientist of the Year in 2011 by the Club of Education and Science Journalists. “Listening to her with how knowledge and joy she was able to explain the necessity of archeology, how she described how excavations take place, how work is carried out was a real experience. They wanted to start studying archeology immediately or at least help with an excavation. It was also her engaging warmth and cheerfulness that made every encounter with this outstanding scientist a wonderful experience. Her laughter, her thirst for research and her role as mediator will be sorely missed. My condolences go out to her family and her many colleagues and friends,” concluded Blimlinger.

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+43-1 40110-6317

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