BM Polaschek with school class & teacher training students in the teaching & learning laboratory of the University of Vienna (WiL2La)

Learning with and from each other: The WiL2La as a prime example of creative science communication & an initiative to strengthen trust in science

Vienna (OTS) Martin Polaschek, Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research: “With the Vienna teaching and learning laboratory, we make science tangible for students in the truest sense of the word and convey chemistry in an understandable and exciting way. It is a prime example of how we can arouse interest and enthusiasm for science and research in young people through creative and age-appropriate science communication. At the same time, we give teacher training students the opportunity to gain practical experience with students and thus prepare them optimally for their later work in the classroom.”

In the Vienna Teaching and Learning Laboratory, “WiL2La” for short, at the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Vienna, teacher training students and school classes have the opportunity to learn from and for one another. The initiative was launched at the beginning of January this year and enriches the training of prospective teachers in the subject of chemistry by offering the opportunity to work with children and young people at an early stage and to gain practical experience during their teacher training course. The training concept enables students to experience authentic teaching situations and promotes students’ interest in the subject of chemistry through the modern laboratory environment and exciting experiments. “The concept gives students the opportunity to gain practical experience at an early stage and to experience the change of perspective from students to teachers,” says Christa Schnabl, Vice Rector of the University of Vienna.

In order to draw attention to these and all other initiatives in the area of ​​science communication, Federal Minister Polaschek launched the DNAustria campaign. The initiative acts as an umbrella brand for all science education offerings and helps to strengthen trust in science and democracy in Austria in the long term.

“Chemical processes are important for all areas of life, so an understanding of the basics of chemistry is essential for a scientific worldview. As the third largest industrial sector in Austria, chemistry also plays a central role for Austria as a business location. The Faculty of Chemistry therefore has the responsibility to promote the training of teachers for the school subject in accordance with its social importance. The WiL2La laboratory gives prospective teachers the technical and didactic tools for high-quality teaching that gives students a familiarity with chemistry,” says Bernhard Keppler, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Vienna.

Theresia Palenta, head of WiL2La, adds: “The multiplier effect of teachers is enormous. In one school year alone, a chemistry teacher with full teaching responsibilities teaches around 10 classes with an average of 27 students. That amounts to 270 students in one school year alone. This means that the responsibility for good teaching that not only imparts knowledge but also arouses enthusiasm is extraordinary. Because this teaching results in both the basic scientific education of society and the securing of young professional talent. In order to achieve these teaching goals in the medium and long term, excellent training is of course required that qualifies students in terms of subject matter, didactics and practical and experimental skills. The last two areas in particular are being implemented together with an attractive offer for school classes in WiL2La.”

Questions & Contact:

Lena Wolf
Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Minoritenplatz 5, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 53120 – 5020

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