Opening THEATER IN THE PARK |  HOANZL agency, May 22, 2024

THEATER IN THE PARK in the heart of Vienna. Start into the fifth season!

Vienna (OTS) The weather gods meant well for the THEATER IN THE PARK: last night the opening of the fifth season took place in the wonderful garden of the Schwarzenberg family along Prinz Eugen-Straße. Around 500 guests celebrated a colorful opening evening between the magnificent plane trees.

In the coming season, THEATER IM PARK will offer a varied program from jazz, classical and musical to cabaret and comedy.

Photos from the opening

The initiators Michael NIAVARANI and Georg HOANZL welcomed together with the moderator Sigrid HAUSER their hosts, the Princely Schwarzenberg Family Foundationrepresented by Dr. Maximilian SCHAFFGOTSCH. The mayor was also present in the audience Michael LUDWIG, who highlighted the interplay between nature and culture in his statement and congratulated on this unique project. The three main sponsors also wished Erste Bank – represented by CEO Gerda Holzinger-Burgstaller, Wiener Städtische – CEO Doris Wendler and Wien Energie – Michael Strebl, CEO (he sent greetings) good luck for the new season and confirmed once again their commitment to THEATER IM PARK.

Sigrid HAUSER charmingly led through the opening and presented the artists of the evening and the program for the coming months. Stella GRIGORIAN & Karl Markovics & Bela KORENY offered an enchanting musical sample from their program “La Boheme”, Klaus ECKEL performed a heartily humorous excerpt from “If you speak slowly, you won’t be believed,” and a scene from “Cinderella”, the musical for the whole family by the teatro music theater ensemble, made you want more. Michael NIAVARANI, Jenny FRANKL, Otto JAUS and the ensemble of the new in-house production “VENUS & JUPITER – A Divine Roman Comedy” gave first insights into the piece. Dismissed at the end Bobby SLIVOVSKY and Hanibal SCHEUTZ from the 5/8erl in honor the audience elated and with dry feet into the evening.

Numerous artists who are also featured in this year’s schedule celebrated the season opening: Actress Maria HAPPELMusician Norbert SCHNEIDERcabaret artist Lydia PRENNER-KASPER, Universaltalent Tom Neuwirth aka CONCHITA WURST and cabaret artist Gernot BACKSTAGE.

All quotes about the 2024 season

Material for both in-house productions, press releases and photos

All dates and artists

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Press & Communication THEATER IN THE PARK
TiP Betriebs GmbH
Mag. I am Zwinz
(M) +43-(0)664-967 82 84 *

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