56. Vienna City Council: Financial Statements 2023 (24) |  City vienna

Advising the Climate, Environment, Democracy and Human Resources business group as well as the annual financial statements of the “Wien Kanal” company for 2023

Wien (OTS/RK) GRin Mag. Heidemarie sequence (GRÜNE) said that the speeches by the city government parties were a showcase. Sequence said she enjoyed living in the city and thanked the Vienna City Gardens, who “put a lot of passion into making Donaupark the “most beautiful park in Vienna”. In her speech to the Brigittenau district council’s citizen survey on the redesign of Wallensteinstrasse, Sequence said: According to Falter, there are indications that the process did not go smoothly. Sequence also identified a lack of standards in the survey: “The survey was messed up from start to finish,” criticized Sequence. It is unclear, for example, who counted and how many ballots were cast. In addition, citizens could have voted more often. It is also not known whether the wishes of the Viennese are actually incorporated into the planning. But only then can planning begin, said Sequence.

According to GRin Mag. Nina Abrahamczik (SPÖ), the election campaign for the upcoming National Council elections in September is already making itself felt in the debates on the final accounts. It is noticeable worldwide that democracy is under pressure. “That’s not good for us as a democracy,” said Abrahamczik. In 2023, the City of Vienna Department – Elections and various legal matters supported 19 referendums from the federal government. Since last year, all petitioners have had the right to be heard in the public, recorded committee. That was an important and good development. Abrahamczik also spoke about the Vienna climate team: It was clear from the start that this was a two-year pilot phase. This was also continuously evaluated. The Vienna climate team will start the next round in autumn; The evaluation report will be published in advance. Abrahamczik also announced that Vienna would focus on democracy. At the Democracy Enquete 2023, for example, the development of a democracy strategy was suggested. This is intended to give the city a framework for the necessary expansion of democracy in the coming years. Because petitions or surveys are not the right means for many citizens. In this way, the city informs the Viennese population about the various methods of getting involved and participating. The Office for Participation is also central – the aim here is to seek out target groups that are “not the usual suspects” or are easy to reach, such as people without the right to vote. Vienna has been chosen as the capital of democracy, starting this fall. There will therefore be many other formats. According to Abrahamczik, there are many challenges for democracy today – it is therefore important to address them and develop good solutions. Democracy must be learned, lived and permeated every area of ​​life, argued Abrahamczik. There are many ways to support democratic processes. Vienna has once again been named the most livable city in the world – this is also due to the commitment of the city’s employees, praised Abrahamczik. As an employer, the city faces similar challenges to other companies due to upcoming retirements. Vienna must therefore remain attractive as an employer, which is why the city has taken and continues to take some measures for good working conditions. As examples, Abrahamczik cited, among other things, the increase in the value of food stamps, talent development programs and the “Ready to lead” program for aspiring managers.

Also official. StR Mag. Jürgen Czernohorszky (SPÖ) said in his closing remarks that he was proud of Vienna’s renewed award as the most livable city in the world. He explained that the Vienna city government had made a lot of progress in the areas of climate and environmental protection, human resources and democracy in 2023. This will benefit the quality of life of all Viennese people. In order to maintain the high quality of life in Vienna, investments are needed, including in climate protection. As an example, Czernohorszky cited the city’s renaturation measures, such as the former marshalling yard in Breitenlee. “All Viennese benefit from this,” said Czernohorszky. The city is ensuring more protected areas and good cooperation with Viennese farmers and the Chamber of Agriculture. Quality of life also means green space: there are already more than 1,000 parks in the city. More than 400,000 square meters of green space would be redesigned or redesigned. The city will exceed this mark, announced Czernohorszky. With the implementation of the Vienna Forest and Meadow Charter and the new Tree Protection Act, species-rich green areas could be preserved and trees could be better protected.

The drinking water supply in Vienna will also be expanded: up to 100 million euros per year will be invested in maintaining and expanding the drinking water infrastructure: water pipes will be replaced and water tanks will be expanded. This ensures the supply of the best spring water for all Viennese. The Vienna Canal also makes a contribution to water quality: the city is investing 270 million euros in the expansion of the Wiental Canal. This would mean that the Vienna River would be even better protected from pollution and flooding in the future. According to Czernohorszky, all of this contributes to the quality of life. For the Viennese, this means, among other things, attractive places to relax, cooling off in the summer, and air quality and protecting biodiversity. In addition, the goal of “Get out of gas” is in full swing. In his speech, Czernohorszky also discussed the Vienna Heat Plan 2040: This creates security on Vienna’s path to climate neutrality in 2040. The energy transition is moving the city towards a climate-friendly energy future. This in turn increases the quality of life and has a positive effect on your wallet.

Czernohorszky announced Vienna as the “European Capital of Democracy”. The city offers people in Vienna a variety of opportunities to get involved. Czernohorszky cited the Vienna climate team as an example: They have come to stay. He also praised the performance of the city’s employees in the last EU election. In the two-day debates, the city’s diverse achievements were listed – “all of these ensure a better quality of life,” emphasized Czernohorszky again. At the end of his speech, he thanked all employees of the City of Vienna, the Climate, Environment, Democracy and Human Resources Business Group and the associated departments.

Closing remarks and votes

City councilor KR Peter Hanke (SPÖ) said: “We are really good at democracy.” The last two days of debates were “a colorful match” of arguments. He thanked the city parliament for the discussion in the local council and asked for approval of the resolution to close the accounts.

The 2023 financial statements were adopted with the votes of SPÖ and NEOS. The annual financial statements for the Viennese companies Wiener Gesundheitverbund (WIGEV), Wiener Wohnen and Wien Kanal were also approved with multiple votes. In addition, the City of Vienna’s funding report for 2023 was unanimously acknowledged by the local council.

Almost 200 motions were submitted during the two-day debate. The three SPÖ-NEOS motions regarding mandatory values ​​and orientation courses from day 1, the introduction of an Austria-wide opportunity index and the introduction of a youth integration year, as well as the three-party motion from SPÖ, NEOS and GREENS regarding a memorial tree for Dr. Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou, Abdullah Ghaderi-Azarden and Fadel Rasoul. The ÖVP motion regarding the introduction of a children’s education voucher was approved unanimously, as were the motions no to chat control; Densification and priority of internal over external development.

The following applications were assigned to the responsible local council committee: Creation of children’s hospice facilities and care places; appointment patient advocate; Support initiative for students with disabilities in Viennese schools; Endometriosis awareness campaign and additional research funding; Improvement of the swimming pool infrastructure and use in the city hall pool and stadium pool; Kindergarten places for children with disabilities; Digital Street Work; Measures to make the job of director more attractive; Measures to cushion the shortage of teachers in Vienna’s compulsory schools; men in elementary education; Prevention of children falling from windows; Expansion of legal graffiti areas in Vienna; commitment to the Viennese song; Memorial plaque at Albertgasse 35; more funding for science.

All other motions did not receive the necessary majority.

The 56th meeting of the Vienna City Council ended at 9:55 p.m.


In the information database of the Vienna State Parliament and Municipal Council (INFODAT) at www.wien.gv.at/infodat Speeches, debate contributions, resolutions, inquiries, motions, draft laws and state law gazettes can be accessed according to various criteria. Access to the associated videos and original documents (if available electronically) is provided. (End) exm/ato/nic

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