51. Vienna Municipal Council (10) | City vienna

51. Vienna Municipal Council (10) |  City vienna

Planning document No. 8355 in the 20th district, CatG Brigittenau

Vienna (OTS/RK) GR Erich Valentin (SPÖ) said that the EIA report had acquired legal force and that the legal basis for a decision was therefore given. Any restrictions in another instance would not result in any modifications. Valentin also referred to the “underground sealing of soil” that the previous speaker mentioned. Rather, it is correct for garages to be built under existing buildings. This means that one cannot speak of additional sealing. The facts would also show that the cul-de-sacs end at the edges of the houses. According to Valentin, this is an area where there can be no entry traffic. The SPÖ MP further said that “not the maximum number of parking spaces will be built”. That is not correct, says Valentin. By incorporating the parking space regulations into the building regulations, it is clearly defined how many parking spaces a builder or developer can save. The current project, which incorporated a lot of – including international – know-how, would have been planned according to the latest standards for neighborhoods, which are also set out in the Progress Coalition’s paper. The “city of short distances” was not an empty promise, says Valentin. For the first time, the MP continued, there is quality management for this district. The agreement that there will be at least 60% subsidized housing there is also presentable. “You can be proud of that,” said Valentin. The new district will definitely have a high quality of life.

GR Kilian Stark (GREENS) said it was wrong that fewer garage spaces could not be built. The Vienna Garage Law was recently amended and continues to allow a reduction in parking space regulations, says Stark. The Green representative also commented on the dead-end streets. There must have been a misunderstanding here. The green center is good, the green courtyards are also good, said Stark. However, the roads in between would cloud the picture. We shouldn’t make the mistakes of the past here, Stark appealed for a rethink.

Vote: The plan document was approved unanimously. The Greens’ proposals did not find a majority.

Credit approvals for the construction of cycle paths on Hütteldorfer Straße and Wagramer Straße

GRin Mag. Angelika Pipal-Leixner, MBA (NEOS) noted that the projects to be financed were two “wonderful cycle path projects”. She wanted to concentrate her contribution on Hütteldorfer Straße, where there is currently only a multi-purpose lane or mixed traffic on a busy street. In the future, the new route should lead safely and with lots of greenery to the water world at Meiselmarkt, explained Pipal-Leixner. The path should later be extended through the 14th district to Baumgarten. According to the MP, the first construction work will begin in April. The shops and restaurants along the route would also benefit from this, claimed Pipal-Leixner. She also criticized the fact that around a third of the city government’s projects had been rejected, especially by the Greens. The local councilor said she could only understand that to a limited extent. You have to “see what can be done together”. There will probably not be a perfect cycle path for everyone in an “existing city like Vienna”. Pipal-Leixner said that the coalition would not allow itself to be dissuaded from its path to further make cycling in Vienna more attractive.

GR Kilian Stark (GREENS) responded to the previous speaker in order to “set some things straight”. He could explain why his group did not agree to Praterstrasse, for example. A proposal from the Greens simply ended up “in the trash”. The Green MP also claimed that the cycle path on Lasallestrasse was “too small” and would certainly have to be “corrected” in the future. Stark denounced the wrong prioritization of many other projects. But there are also positive examples like Argentina Street, he said. At Hütteldorfer Straße, Stark said the planning would create “a new bottleneck”. The management of the new cycle path would “generate conflicts”, predicted the local council. Stark also harshly criticized the coalition’s promises in the party programs, which promised 41 kilometers of new cycle paths. But that was far from happening, he said.

GRin Ing. Astrid Rompolt, MA (SPÖ) focused on the new cycle path on Wagramer Straße. This path has accompanied her since her school days. That’s why, says Rompolt, there will now be a “paradigm change” there. Rompolt announced that a hundred additional trees, 8,000 square meters of green space and a street park would, in addition to the cycling infrastructure, ensure cooling and a better quality of life. Above all, we have to see the “big picture” here, she demanded. It has been possible to create several cycle highways in order to move comfortably. “This is a big advantage for the people of Vienna.” The new cycle path on Wagramer Straße will be around 1.1 kilometers long and will be a two-way cycle path. According to Rompolt, this model has been successful. She could not understand the previous speaker’s criticism of Praterstrasse. There is already a lot of positive feedback from the population, said Rompolt.

GRin Mag. Heidemarie sequence (GRÜNE) was pleased with the passion with which the cycle paths were being discussed. Your group will therefore also agree to the first part of the cycle path on Wagramer Straße. However, there are also sections like the Kagra Bridge that her party does not approve of. The cycle path also failed in the coalition with the SPÖ a few years ago because no car lane was provided for the cycle path. Now efforts are being made to implement a cycle lane. According to Sequence, this is not effective in this way. The councilor also said why she was not happy with two-way cycle paths. People always drive on one side, she claimed. “That is no solution”. Sequence demanded a separate cycle path on both sides. Finally, the MP also submitted a motion that sought to implement the coalition agreement in the area of ​​parking space management.

Vote: The credit approvals were approved unanimously. The SPÖ and NEOS proposals for S-Bahn timetables and a traffic-calmed city center were unanimously accepted. The opposition’s motions did not find a majority. (cont.) kri

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