“48.  Days of German Language Literature” – Tijan Sila wins the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize 2024

Vienna (OTS) After three exciting days of reading at the 48th Days of German-Language Literature in the Carinthian State Studio, the award ceremony took place today in the ORF Theater in Klagenfurt. A total of five prizes were awarded. The Ingeborg Bachmann Prize 2024, worth 25,000 euros, went to Tijan Sila. He was able to convince the jury with his text “The day my mother went crazy”. He read at the invitation of Philipp Tingler.

The Deutschlandfunk Prize, worth 12,500 euros, went to Denis Pfabe – invited by Philipp Tingler.

Tamara Štajner received the Kelag Prize, donated by Kärntner-Elektritäts-Aktiengesellschaft in the amount of 10,000 euros. She read at the invitation of Brigitte Schwens-Harrant.

The 3sat Prize, worth 7,500 euros, donated by 3sat, the joint program of the four public television channels ZDF, ORF, SRG and ARD, went to Johanna Sebauer, invited by Klaus Kastberger.

The BKS Bank Audience Prize, which is determined via online voting, is endowed with 7,000 euros and is associated with a city clerk scholarship in Klagenfurt. Johanna Sebauer received the prize. She is therefore a two-time winner at the “48. Days of German Language Literature”.

ORF regional director Karin Bernhard was enthusiastic about how this year’s competition went: “As the host of the ORF regional studio in Carinthia, I am once again delighted that the days of German-language literature went extremely well. Prize-worthy texts, exciting discussions and an enthusiastic audience! And all of this at a culturally high-quality event that only public media can achieve.”

All information and photos about the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize can be found at: bachmannpreis.ORF.at

Questions & Contact:

Mag. Katrin Kremsbrucker
Organization – Ingeborg Bachmann Prize
T: +43 463 5330-29264
M: +43 664 88 119 616

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