45th International Vienna Motor Symposium: Global mobility elite meets in Hofburg in April

45th International Vienna Motor Symposium: Global mobility elite meets in Hofburg in April

Drive systems with hydrogen and sustainable fuels are the focus of the discussion – registration possible from January 10th

The most important factor for the environmental balance is the sustainably provided energy and the energy source

Bernhard Geringer, chairman of the Austrian Association for Motor Vehicle Technology (ÖVK) and organizer of the engine symposium

Vienna (OTS) In 2024, the International Vienna Motor Symposium will focus intensively on the topic of greenhouse gas neutrality: the spectrum ranges from the production of e-fuels to green electricity for e-vehicles to the strengths of the hydrogen combustion engine as an emission-free drive. More than 80 high-ranking experts from science, the automotive industry and the supplier industry will present technological and strategic news from the world of drive systems to over 1,000 expected participants from more than 25 countries in the Vienna Hofburg from April 24th to 26th, 2024. From January 10th it is possible to register for the Motorensymposium 2024.

“The decisive factor for the environmental balance is above all the sustainably provided energy and the energy source”says Bernhard Geringer, Chairman of the Board of the Austrian Association for Motor Vehicle Technology (ÖVK) and organizer of the engine symposium. “Green electricity and green hydrogen must become more important in pure electric vehicles.”

Nevertheless, there is no silver bullet when it comes to solving the energy issue for mobility: “Depending on the application, different technologies can be the most suitable solution. That’s why we’re pursuing a technology-open approach at the symposium,” emphasizes Geringer.

Hydrogen combustion engine as a future-oriented alternative?

This year, the International Engine Symposium held in the Vienna Hofburg is focusing particularly on the strengths of the hydrogen combustion engine as an alternative to emission-free drives: “The hydrogen engine is also viewed by the EU as greenhouse gas-free,” says Helmut Eichlseder, head of the Institute for Thermodynamics and Sustainable Drive Systems at Graz University of Technology and deputy chairman of the ÖVK: “In Europe, only vehicle emissions or CO2 emissions are currently being considered. However, a system approach from production to use to disposal or recycling in the form of a circular economy is increasing worldwide. At the engine symposium we will therefore give a lot of space to the topic of greenhouse gas neutrality.”

Further details and images are available here.

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