35 years of “Dober dan, Koroška” – anniversary broadcast on April 7th from 1:35 p.m. on ORF 2 K

Vienna (OTS) “Dober dan, Koroška” is celebrating its birthday. The popular Sunday ethnic group television program from the Carinthian regional studio started on April 2nd, 1989. ORF Carinthia is celebrating its birthday on April 7th from 1:35 p.m. as part of an anniversary program and looks back on 35 years of Slovenian ethnic group television.

The first program “Dober dan, Koroška” was broadcast on April 2, 1989 and presented by Cornelia Vospernik (now ORF correspondent in Rome). With the presenter Mira Grötschnig-Einplayer and the editors Jurij Perč, Miha Pasterk and Marijan Velik, the head of the Slovenian editorial team, four people who have been there for the Slovenian ethnic group in Carinthia since the beginning of the “television age” are also there today’s editorial team.

The Sunday television program is broadcast regionally on ORF 2 from 1:35 p.m. to 2:05 p.m. There are also repeats on ORF 2, ORF III and on two broadcast dates on the state broadcaster RTV Slovenija and on the ORF-TVthek. With these repeats and access, “Dober dan, Koroška” reaches around 250,000 people per broadcast. The magazine is also very well received by German-speaking viewers.

Marijan Velik, head of the Slovenian editorial team in the ORF regional studio in Carinthia: “For all ORF journalists and especially for us from the ethnic group editorial teams, objectivity is the most important guideline for balanced reporting and we are aware of the responsible task. I would like to use the anniversary as an opportunity to thank my employees for their successful work and all viewers for their decades of loyalty.”

The anniversary program was designed by cameraman and filmmaker Miha Dolinšek and will be a look back at 35 years of television for the Slovenian ethnic group, more than 1,750 programs with around 11,000 contributions about the lively political, economic, cultural and sporting life and work of the Slovenian ethnic group in Carinthia be.

Since 2009, the program has been broadcast regionally not only in Carinthia, but also in Styria under the title “Dober dan, Koroška – Dober dan, Štajerska” with additional contributions about the Slovenian ethnic group in Styria.

State director Karin Bernhard: “The Sunday television program ‘Dober dan, Koroška’ has been a fixed program item in the ORF Carinthia state studio for 35 years. An important part of our public service mandate is to take into account the multilingualism and cultural diversity in Carinthia. With our daily radio programs, website and weekly television broadcast, the Carinthian State Studio helps to preserve the cultural and linguistic identity of the Slovenian ethnic group in Carinthia. The Slovenian information program offers interesting topics for all age groups and introduces people who do something extraordinary, who maintain traditions and customs or who contribute to strengthening the identity of the ethnic group.”

Questions & Contact:

Luca Weblacher, MSc.
Marketing and communication
+43 463 53330-29268

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