27. Radio price of adult education in the sign of media variety

27. Radio price of adult education in the sign of media variety

“Lifelong learning is easy to be able to counter the challenges of everyday life.” With these words, Ö1 program chief Silvia Lahner welcomed the numerous interested, nominated and contributors at the awarding of the 27th radio prize of adult education on Thursday, January 23 in ORF Radioculturhaus.

Kebö chairman Bernd Wachter opened the evening for the conference of Austria’s adult education (Kebö) and pointed out the interaction of media and adult education. In this context, he urged the weakening of democratic institutions. Anneliese Rohrer gave the prize and addressed the terrifying developments about the basic skills of the Austrians: inside. She asked for action and advocated “promoting and encouraging”.

The jury, consisting of a journalist: inside, adult educator: inside and a media scientist, selected those with the greatest adult -like value from the 20 nominated productions. The award winners were announced as part of a solemn event: on the inside.

135 productions were submitted by 21 Austrian radio stations. John Evers, spokesman for the jury, was impressed by the diversity and quality of the submissions: “This impressive number of programs and radio stations reflects the liveliness and diversity of our radillo landscape. It shows how explosive topics are taken up, high -quality prepared and made visible from a wide variety of perspectives. Every single submission was proof of passion and creativity that is in the Austrian radioculture. “

In the Category Culture There was a point level, so that two programs were awarded: the “Diagonal” contribution “50 years” Anadolu Pop “”, designed by Roman Chiedl and the “Radiokolleg” contribution “Symphony of the Algorithms-between fake and fugue. How artificial intelligence creates music and forms realities, ”designed by Sarah Kriesche, both Ö1, were awarded.

Vincent Leb and Johanna Hirzberger convinced with “We can’t help you either. Stateless in Austria ”from the“ Hörfeld ”series by Radio Radieschen, the training channel of the FH Vienna of the WKW, in the Documentation and information category.

In the category Talks and debates The program “Jung affected by dementia”, designed by Karin Schuster from the series “Nursing base. How we want to maintain and maintain ”by Radio Helsinki – Free Radio Styria Association.

The Eduard Ploier Price* (Category Education/Science) went on “4000 years of defeat – all of Austrian history on FM4”, designed by Roland Gratzer in the “FM4 Morning Show”.

The price in the category Sending series and main topics went to “Journal Panorama”, designed by Monika Feldner-Zimmermann, Astrid Plank and Elisa Vass, broadcast on Ö1.

The prize is donated by ten associations of the conference of the adult education of Austria (Kebö) – the Working Group on the Bildungshäuser Austria, the Austria’s vocational development institute, the Austria’s library association, the Forum Catholic Adult Education in Austria, the rural training institute Austria, the Ring of Austrian educational works, the economic society Austria , the association of Austrian trade union education, the association of Austrian adult education centers and the business development institute of the Austria Chamber of Commerce.

*The Austrian adult educator Eduard Ploier, who died in 1998, was the director of the Bildungshaus Schloss Puchberg and from 1974 to 1998 member of the Hörer and Sehervertretung of the ORF and member of the board of trustees.

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