“You swept us away” | Mozarteum University Salzburg, July 15, 2024
Prize shower for acting students from the Thomas Bernhard Institute with Elfriede Jelinek’s “The Silent Girl” at the national competition And then you came. At the very end…
Portal Berita Terupdate Di Dunia
Prize shower for acting students from the Thomas Bernhard Institute with Elfriede Jelinek’s “The Silent Girl” at the national competition And then you came. At the very end…
Brecht greets you around the corner: the musical theater production »J. From the Block« by NeXt Generation Photo: Veronica Schiavo The theater as an institution has a class problem –…
The independence of the judiciary must be further expanded Vienna (OTS) – “With Alma Zadić we have a justice minister in Austria who always protects the judiciary and…
EQS-Ad-hoc: Kommunalkredit Austria AG / Key word(s): Company takeover Kommunalkredit Austria AG: Change of control of the owners July 15, 2024 / 11:40 CET/CEST Publication of insider information in accordance…
Vienna (OTS) – The “Vienna Today” summer discussion series is about the future challenges of a growing metropolis and the effects on the everyday lives of Viennese people.…
On Wednesday, July 17th, from 8:15 p.m. on ORF 1 and on ORF ON; Ö3 special broadcast on August 8th live from the Taylor Swift concert Vienna (OTS)…
Training or team building? Laura Freigang (l.) and Kathrin Hendrich still have two European Championship qualifying games before the Olympics. Photo: image/Photo mode When were there so many black, red…
Vienna (OTS/SK) – Fair conditions – in particular an appropriate wage, independent health and pension insurance – for the around 28,000 people with disabilities who work in day-structure…
EQS-Ad-hoc: Kommunalkredit Austria AG / Key word(s): Takeover Kommunalkredit Austria AG: Change of control of owners 15-Jul-2024 / 11:40 CET/CEST Disclosure of an inside information acc. to Article 17 MAR…
Vienna (OTS) – July 29th marks the 50th anniversary of Erich Kästner’s death. Ö1 remembers the children’s book author, poet and novelist with “Thoughts for the Day” (July…