20 years of quality management – ​​the Healthy Austria Fund has helped write the success story of company health promotion (BGF).

Digitalization, climate protection and demographic development – companies face major challenges. The FGÖ supports them through targeted funding programs

Vienna (OTS) Workplace health promotion (BGF) is a success story: This year the WHF quality seal was awarded for the twentieth time and the number of companies awarded the award has increased from 26 to 546. The quality seal companies were recently welcomed and awarded for their sustainable WHP projects by the Austrian Health Insurance Fund (ÖGK), the Insurance Institute for Public Employees, Railways and Mining (BVAEB) and the Healthy Austria Fund (FGÖ).

BGF is a modern organizational development strategy with the aim of improving the health and well-being of employees. Johannes Rauch, Minister of Health and President of the FGÖ: “More and more companies are realizing that investing in measures to strengthen the physical and mental health of their workforce is worthwhile in the long term. They are the foundation of a successful company and an essential contribution to increasing the number of healthy years of life in Austria.

The “BGF quality management system” guarantees a high standard

The quality management system introduced in 2004 with the three levels, BGF charter, BGF quality seal and BGF price is a guarantee that where it says BGF, there is also BGF in it. It was developed by the FGÖ in cooperation with the “Austrian Network for Workplace Health Promotion” (ÖNBGF), and the content was based on the “Luxembourg Declaration on Workplace Health Promotion in the European Union”. Since the quality management system was established, the FGÖ has been promoting it for nationwide implementation as part of a strategic cooperation partnership with the ÖNBGF. “The BGF seal of quality recognizes companies that have carried out exemplary and sustainable projects to promote health. This year the quality seals were awarded for the twentieth time and the number of companies receiving the award has increased from 26 to 546 annually. Around 690,000 employees benefit from healthy workplaces. The additional funds from the financial equalization for health promotion are intended to further expand the work in the settings and company health promotion“, says Andreas Huss, employee representative of the ÖGK, happily.

Three funding priorities of the FGÖ make quality seal companies fit for the new challenges of the world of work

The world of work is currently characterized by three major challenges: demographic developments, digitalization and climate protection. The FGÖ has therefore developed three tailor-made funding priorities and supports companies that want to face the challenges,” emphasizes Klaus Ropin, head of the Healthy Austria Fund, the Austrian competence and funding agency for health promotion.

“I invite all companies with the BGF seal of quality to apply for funding from the FGÖ and to prepare themselves for the future with company health promotion,” says Klaus Ropin, everyone Interested companies can find funding conditions on the FGÖ website.

In addition to project funding, the FGÖ supports the self-organization of companies through the “BGF Know-how” seminar program and enriches the skills of those involved in the company. Anyone interested can find all seminar dates on the in the seminar overview.

Questions & Contact:

Gabriele Ordo, communications
Tel:+43/1/895 04 00-725, 0676/848 191 252, Mail:

Healthy Austria Fund
Aspernbrückengasse 2, 1020 Vienna

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