Vienna (OTS) For the first time, the Federal Chancellery and the Ministry of Social Affairs awarded the Austrian State Prize for voluntary and honorary commitment on December 4, 2023. In recognition of their special commitment, 26 clubs, initiatives, projects and organizations were brought onto the stage at a celebratory gala in the Museumsquartier in Vienna and honored in five categories as well as a special prize. They were selected by a jury of experts from over 200 submissions. The awards, together with prize money of up to 5,000 euros, were presented by Chancellor Karl Nehammer, Minister of Social Affairs Johannes Rauch and State Secretary for Youth Claudia Plakolm.

Around 3.7 million people in Austria are involved in their free time on a voluntary basis in clubs, initiatives, projects and organizations for their fellow human beings. In recognition of this special commitment, the Federal Chancellery and the Ministry of Social Affairs have launched the Austrian State Prize for voluntary and honorary commitment. The first award ceremony took place on December 4, 2023 – the evening before International Volunteer Day – in the Vienna Museumsquartier.

Quote from Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer

This award is a sign of recognition and appreciation. And it characterizes what we are as a community and what we can achieve as a community. All of us, each and every one of us. Our country is a country of community. A country where we look at each other, take care of each other and don’t look away when someone needs help or support. It is the WE that is in the foreground, not the ME. This is how I see volunteer work and this is also how I see my role as Chancellor. Congratulations to all award winners! You believe in Austria, you believe in your fellow human beings and you are the heart and soul of our society!”

Quote from Social Minister Johannes Rauch

“Voluntary and voluntary work is the glue that holds our society together. Over 3.7 million people work for a good cause and thus make a valuable contribution to their fellow human beings. This commitment is particularly important in the health and social sectors. The State Prize is a sign of recognition for the special commitment that is made every day for the benefit of others. The award-winning projects represent the wide range of voluntary and voluntary work in Austria.”

Quote from Youth State Secretary Claudia Plakolm

“Regardless of whether it is in the social sector, in sport, in culture, in education or in a completely different area, volunteering holds our society together and many young people actively contribute to this. For people in Austria, volunteering is simply a matter of honor; it is part of our DNA. We created the State Prize to honor this commitment. The many volunteers in the country are the reason why we in Austria can look to the future with confidence and believe in Austria.”

The winners

As part of the celebratory gala, Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer, Social Affairs Minister Johannes Rauch and Youth State Secretary Claudia Plakolm honored the winners of the five categories “Innovation”, “Young Engagement”, “Participation”, “Inclusion” and “Crisis Management”. A special prize was awarded for a special commitment in the area of ​​“volunteer coordination”.

The total of 26 award winners were evaluated and selected from over 200 submissions by an expert jury consisting of representatives of the Austrian Volunteer Council based on their personal commitment, their impact and orientation towards the common good as well as their sustainability:

Category “Innovation”

1st place: SToP districts without partner violence from the Association of Autonomous Women’s Shelters in Austria

2nd place: Füreinand – Austria’s community for humanity from Caritas Austria

3rd place: “Mobile phone, laptop & co” from Diakoniewerk Salzburg

Category “Young Commitment”

1st place: Youth Leader Academy from the Kicken without Borders association

2nd place: MACHWAS days: Doing good together from the aha youth information center Vorarlberg

3rd place: Hobby Lobby – Voluntary work to combat child poverty.

Category “Participation”

1st place: STAR*K Raising awareness against violence against women and girls, a project by Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna

2nd place: Blossoming – garden meeting room from the association of the same name from Feldkirch, Vorarlberg

3rd place: 72 hours without compromise from the Catholic Youth Austria

Category “Inclusion”

1st place: Tafelwerk, a cooperation between Jugend am Werk and Tafel Österreich

2nd place: Alpine Club Including the Austrian Alpine Club and the Alpine Club Youth

3rd place: Women’s Region Volunteering from the Steirisches Volksbildungswerk

Category “Crisis Management”

1st place: DoppelPlus from Klimabündnis Tirol

2nd place: Styria helps

3rd place. Team Austria plaque from the Austrian Red Cross

The Special prize “Volunteer coordination” went to Pro mente Vienna social support and volunteer coordinator Bettina Arbesleitner.

In addition to a certificate, the winners of the State Prize received prize money of 5,000 euros and a trophy specially designed by Paul Canfora, a student at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. In addition to the certificate, the second and third place winners in the categories received a check for 3,000 euros and 1,000 euros respectively.

New service point connects volunteer organizations

The awarding of the State Prize was coordinated by the new Austria-wide service center for voluntary commitment willig-engagiert.at: After its pilot phase, it was rolled out nationwide as part of the amendment to the Volunteer Act and is aimed at volunteers, those involved in voluntary work, organizations and interested parties.

“We offer an overview of the activities and offers of the Austrian volunteer centers and organizations, refer those interested to the right institutions, network volunteer organizations and serve as a knowledge and exchange location for the joint development of ideas. The State Prize for voluntary and honorary commitment is an opportunity to bring innovative projects to the big stage and use them as role models for other initiatives,” says Petra Pongratz from the Austrian Volunteer Centers Interest Group (IGFÖ).

Further information about the State Prize and photos of the award can be found at www.freiwillig-engagiert.at/staatspreis.

Questions & Contact:

Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK)
press spokesman@sozialministerium.at

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