155th Annual General Meeting of Wienerberger: All proposals approved

In the challenging 2023 financial year, wienerberger was able to outperform its end markets and meet expectations. We have remained true to our proven value-creating growth strategy by focusing on organic growth through innovation, increasing the share of solutions in our portfolio and selective, value-creating acquisitions. We also saw strong performance in the infrastructure segment and the renovation business. I therefore see us as ideally positioned to further drive our growth.

Heimo Scheuch, CEO of Wienerberger AG

Vienna (OTS)

– Dividend of €0.90 per share

– Heimo Scheuch, CEO of Wienerberger AG: “Best positioned to further drive growth”

The 155th Annual General Meeting of Wienerberger AG took place on May 7, 2024 as an in-person event in the Wiener Stadthalle. After the board presented the annual financial statements and the management report of Wienerberger AG for 2023, along with other reports, the general meeting approved all proposals. Among other things, a dividend distribution of €0.90 per share was decided.

Heimo Scheuch, CEO of Wienerberger AG: “In the challenging 2023 financial year, wienerberger was able to outperform its end markets and meet expectations. We remained true to our proven value-creating growth strategy by focusing on organic growth through innovation, increasing the share of solutions in our portfolio, and selective, value-creating acquisitions. We also saw strong performance in the infrastructure segment and the renovation business. I therefore see us as ideally positioned to further drive our growth.

Approval of dividend and remuneration policy

In the spirit of a long-term, balanced dividend policy, the Management Board of Wienerberger AG proposed a dividend of €0.90 per share to the 155th Annual General Meeting for 2023. The Annual General Meeting approved this proposal and the payday was set for Wednesday, May 15, 2024.

The members of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board were discharged for the 2023 financial year, and Deloitte Audit Wirtschaftsprüfungs GmbH, Vienna, was elected as the auditor and group auditor. The Annual General Meeting also approved the 2023 remuneration report and the remuneration policy for the Executive Board and Supervisory Board.

All resolutions of the 155th Annual General Meeting can be found here


wienerberger is a leading provider of innovative, ecological solutions for the entire building envelope in the areas of new construction and renovation as well as for infrastructure in water and energy management. With more than 20,000 employees worldwide, wienerberger’s solutions enable energy-efficient, healthy, climate-friendly and affordable living. wienerberger is the largest brick producer in the world and market leader for clay roof tiles in Europe and for concrete paving in Eastern Europe. The company is one of the leading providers in Europe for pipe systems (stoneware and plastic pipes). With the acquisition of Meridian Brick, wienerberger has further expanded its position as a leading provider of facade products in North America. With more than 200 production locations across the group, wienerberger generated sales of around €4.2 billion and an operating EBITDA of €811 million in 2023.

Questions & Contact:

Claudia Hajdinyak, Head of Corporate Communications Wienerberger AG
t +43 664 828 31 83 | claudia.hajdinyak@wienerberger.com

Investor Relations Wienerberger AG
t +43 1 601 92 – 10221 | investor@wienerberger.com

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