140th anniversary of the Großharras Volunteer Fire Department

140th anniversary of the Großharras Volunteer Fire Department

LH Mikl-Leitner: Our armed forces stand for security, commitment and commitment and cooperation in our country

St. Pölten (OTS) Numerous guests and guests of honor celebrated the 140th anniversary of the volunteer fire department this Sunday in Großharras in the Weinviertel. Citizens and fellow firefighters, including from the surrounding communities, took part in the ceremony, as did representatives of the emergency service organizations and from politics, including State Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner. 140 years of the Großharras Volunteer Fire Department is “a success story for which courageous men laid the foundation stone a long time ago,” she said in her celebratory speech.

But the anniversary celebration is taking place in extremely challenging times, she said, mentioning the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East as well as economic challenges in Austria and Europe. “Events and negative news that obscure the view of the positive,” says Mikl-Leitner. Hardly anyone dares to say that “we live in one of the wealthiest regions in the world with one of the best health and social systems in the world, with a strong scientific axis and a vital and strong club life.” Passion, dedication, motivation, hard work and above all Volunteering is what made Lower Austria so great. Volunteering is the mainstay of the functioning of our society and the governor spoke of “proud that every second person in Lower Austria does volunteer work.”

Großharras in particular “is an example of Lower Austria as a ‘land of volunteers’” and can be proud of its diverse associations, especially its volunteer fire department. “You all make a significant contribution to a lively and livable Großharras and are an essential and central lifeline of this community,” said Mikl-Leitner. The armed forces have almost 60 active members and 20 reservists – comrades who are ready to volunteer around the clock. She particularly highlighted the successful female firefighters: “Figureheads when I think of the successes at the Fire Cup 2023, where you achieved brilliant achievements with fighting spirit.”

The volunteer fire brigades “keep our places alive and give us security” – that is why the state of Lower Austria will continue to support them, said the state governor, mentioning the vehicle funding rates, which were increased by 25 percent at the beginning of the year, and the refund of sales tax It is noted that “we supported around 4.3 million euros in 2023 alone.” She was convinced that professional help could only be provided with professional equipment and training and concluded: “Every euro is well invested, because our volunteer fire departments stand for security, camaraderie, friendship, for commitment and motivation and for community and togetherness in our country.”

The mayor of Großharras, Sonja Platzer, spoke of a great honor to celebrate this anniversary. “Generations of firefighters have worked tirelessly to save lives, protect property and make our community safer,” she said. That’s why it’s important as a community and community to “stand behind our firefighters and support them.” The anniversary celebration is an opportunity to “celebrate the past, but also honor the present and the future.”

At 140 years old, the Großharras Volunteer Fire Department is one of the oldest fire departments in the Mistelbach district, said district fire department commander Markus Schuster in his speech. “Our founding comrades 140 years ago recognized that we can achieve more together,” he said. Over the years, the volunteer fire department has developed into a powerful and comprehensive fire service, the operational scenarios have changed significantly – from fire operations to disaster control and challenging technical operations – but one thing has always remained the same, said Schuster: “The voluntariness and voluntary nature of our work Fire department members.”

“Since the fire department was founded on November 23, 1884, countless men and women have dedicated their time and energy day and night and in all weathers to serving people,” emphasized Stefan Schirxl, commander of the Großharras Volunteer Fire Department. He thanked all fire department members for their “willingness to sacrifice, courage and determination” and thanked the community and the state of Lower Austria for their good cooperation and support. Schirxl highlighted the investment of 70,000 euros “to upgrade our fire fighting vehicle to the latest standards in time for the anniversary in order to be prepared for future operations and the technical requirements.”

As part of the anniversary celebrations, five new fire department members were sworn in and six decorations were presented for their many years of meritorious work in the field of fire and rescue services. Jürgen Lang Schwert and Martin Mühlhauser were honored for their 25 years of work. Franz Kohl and Erich Todt received the decorations for 40 years and Johann Haftinger and Konrad Pristl received the decorations for their 60 years of service. In addition, Gerald Hofmeyer and Martin Mühlhauser were presented with the 3rd class bronze medals of merit from the Lower Austrian Fire Brigade Association.

The ceremony was initiated by a solemn mass held by Edward Pacyga, pastor of Zwingendorf, with music provided by the Großharras Music Association.

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